Mijung Kim

Professor, Faculty of Education - Elementary Education


Professor, Faculty of Education - Elementary Education
(780) 492-0922
332 Education Centre - South
11210 - 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5



Mijung Kim, PhD is a professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. After her PhD at the University of Alberta, she worked at the Seoul National University, Korea, the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and the University of Victoria, Canada as a postdoctoral fellow and faculty member from 2006 to 2014. She joined the University of Alberta as a faculty member in 2015. Through various teaching and research experiences in the different parts of the world, she has developed extensive knowledge and understanding of curriculum and pedagogy as sociocultural relations in local and international contexts.


Her research interests include teaching science as inquiry, children’s scientific reasoning, and dialogical argumentation as a genre of scientific communication. Her current research involves socioscientific reasoning and problem solving for sustainability, and teacher professional vision for pedagogical reflection and practice. 


EDEL 330 Curriculum and Pedagogy in Elementary School Science

EDEL 665 Qualitative Research Methods in Education

EDEL 567 Introduction to educational research 

EDES 509 Teaching Science in Elementary and Secondary Schools

EDEL 595 Science as Problem solving 


EDEL 330 - Curriculum and Pedagogy in Elementary School Science

This course provides an introduction to teaching elementary children about science and 'design and make' technology. Such themes as children's learning, science/technology/society connections, the Alberta program, planning and instruction and assessing children's progress will be explored. Students may not receive credit for both EDEL 330 and EDEL 372. Prerequisite or corequisite: EDEL 305 or 316.

EDU 595 - Special Topics in Educational Theory and Practice

Content varies from term to term. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries title descriptive of content. May be repeated. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment, refer to the Fees Payment Guide in the University Regulations and Information for Students section of the Calendar.

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Scholarly Activities

Research - Publications

Books and Book Editions

Yoon, H., Jang, B-K., Kim, M., Park, J., & Lee, E. (2023). Dilemma cases in teaching science in elementary classrooms. BooksHill.

Kim, M., & Roth, W-M. (2018). Dialogical Argumentation and Reasoning in Elementary Science Classrooms. The Netherlands: Brill Sense. 

Lee, Y.-J., Kim, M., Jin, Q., Yoon, H.-G., & Matsubara, K. (2017). East-Asian primary science curricula: An overview using revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Kim, M., & Yoon, H-G. (2016). Scientific Reasoning & Argumentation. Kyoyook Book publisher. 

Kim, M., & Diong, H.C., (Eds.), (2012). Biology Education for Social and Sustainable Development. The Netherlands: Sense Publisher.

Tan, D., & Kim, M., (Eds.), (2012). Issues and challenges in science education research: Moving forward. The Netherlands: Springer. 

Refereed journal articles

Kim, M., & Jin, Q. (2024). 9-10-year-old children’s understanding of climate change. International Journal of Elementary Education, 13(1), 13–22. 

Kim, M., McFeetors, P., Jin, Q., Rose, K., Carey, J., Miller-Young, J., Jamieson, M., & Adeeb, S. (2023). “We learn things to solve real-life problems”: Understanding how nature of engineering beliefs situate developing pedagogical content knowledge in a modular engineering education professional development program. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(3). https://doi.org/ 10.53761/

Kim, M., & Jin, Q. (2022). Studies on visualisation in science classrooms: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Science Education, 44(17), 2613-2631.

Kim, M., Wagner, D., & Jin, Q. (2021). Tensions and Hopes for Embedding Peace and Sustainability in Science Education: Stories from Science Textbook Authors. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 21, 501–517.

Kim, M. (2021). Student Agency and Teacher Authority in Inquiry-Based Classrooms: Cases of Elementary Teachers’ Classroom Talk. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 20, 1927–1948.

Skamp, K., Boyes, E., Stanisstreet, M., Rodriguez, M., Malandrakis, G., Fortner, R., Kilinc, A., Taylor, N., Choker, K., Shweta, D., Ambusaidi, A., Cheong, I., Kim, M., & Yoon, H.G. (2021). Voting for Change: an International Study of Students’ Willingness to Support Measures to Ameliorate Climate Change. Research in Science Education, 51, 861–887.

Kim, M., & Roth, W.- M. (2018). Dialogical argumentation in elementary science classrooms. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 13(4), 1061–1085.

Kim, M. (2018). Understanding Children’s Science Identity through Classroom Interactions. International Journal of Science Education, 40(1), 24-45

Kim, M., & Roth, W.- M. (2016). Beyond agency: sources of knowing and learning in children’s science- and technology-related problem solving. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 11(4), 1081-1101. 

Kim, M. (2016). Children’s reasoning as collective social action in Grade 2/3 science classrooms. International Journal of Science Education, 38(1), 51-72.  

Lee, Y.-J., Kim, M., & Yoon, H.-G. (2015). The intellectual demands of the intended primary science curriculum in Korea and Singapore: An analysis based on revised Bloom’s taxonomy. International Journal of Science Education, 37(13), 2193–2213.

Anthony, R., & Kim, M. (2015). Challenges and Remedies for Identifying and Classifying Argumentation Schemes. Argumentation: An International Journal on Reasoning. Published Online first.

Kim, M., & Roth, W.- M. (2014). Argumentation as/for/in dialogical relation: A case study from elementary school science. Pedagogies: the international journal, 9(4), 300-321. 

Kim, M., Anthony, R., & Blades, D. (2014) Pre-service teachers’ knowledge integration and decision making through argumentation on socioscientific issues, Research in Science Education, 44, 903–926.

Jho, H-G., Yoon, H-G., & Kim, M. (2014). The relationship of science knowledge, attitude and decision making on socio-scientific issues: The case study of students’ debates on a nuclear power plant in Korea. Science & Education, 23(5),1131–1151.

Boyes, E., Stanisstreet, M., Skamp, K., Rodriguez, M., Malandrakis, G., Fortner, R., Kilinc, A., Taylor, N., Chhokar, K., Dua, S., Ambusaidi, A., Cheong, I., Kim, M., & Yoon, H-G. (2014). An international study of the propensity of students to limit their use of private transport in light of their understanding of the causes of global warming. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 23(2), 142-165.

Kim, M., & Tan, H-T. (2013). A collaborative problem solving through environmental field studies. International Journal of Science Education. 35(3), 357–387.

Kim, M., Tan, A-L., & Talaue, F. (2013). New vision and challenges in inquiry-based curriculum change in Singapore. International Journal of Science Education. 35(2), 289-311.

Yoon, H-G., Joung, Y-J., & Kim, M. (2012). The challenges of science inquiry teaching for pre-service teachers in elementary classrooms: Difficulties on and under the scene. Research in Science Education, 42(3), 589-608. 

Kim, M. (2011). Science, technology and the environment: the views of urban children and implications for science and environmental education in Korea. Environmental Education Research, 17(2), 261–280.

Kim, M., & Tan, A-L. (2011). Rethinking difficulties of teaching inquiry-based practical work: stories from elementary pre-service teachers. International Journal of Science Education, 33(4), 465-486.

Kim, M., Roth, W-M., & Thom, J. (2011). Children's Gestures and the Embodied Knowledge of Geometry. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(1), 207-238.

Research - Research Activities


The Springer Best Paper Award

The International Science Education Conference, June 2018, Singapore

Best Paper Award

The 3rd International STEM education conference, July, 2014, Vancouver, Canada

The Springer Best Paper Award 

The Conference of Asian Science Education, February 2008, Taiwan 

Research Grants

2023 - Present: Enhancing Students' Reasoning and Decision-making Skills: Science, Values, and Contradictions in Socioscientific Contexts (PI), SSHRC Insight Grant (Principle Investigator)

2020 - Present: Enhancing teaching in higher education in STEM through research and practice: Program development and implementation ( M. Kim & J. McFeetors)

2016-2020: Science and Mathematics textbook authors hopes for peace and sustainability. SSHRC Insight Development Grant (PI)

2015-2018: Argumentation in-the-making in/for Socioscientific Problem Solving. Alberta Advisory Committee for Educational Studies (AACES)(PI)

2015-2017: Possibilities and challenges of argumentation for collective problem solving in elementary science classrooms. University of Alberta Support for the Advancement of Scholarship Grant (PI)

2013-2014: Children’s reasoning and problem solving through dialogical argumentation. Constructivist Educational Research Network, University of Victoria (PI)

2012-2014: Enhancing participatory scientific literacy: Argumentation as a cognitive and social tool. IRG-SSHRC General Research Grant, University of Victoria (PI)

2011-2013: Constructing/Contextualizing Scientific Knowledge Through Reasoning and Decision Making. Constructivist Educational Research Network, University of Victoria (PI)

2009-2010: Enhancing Inquiry-Based Teaching Through Collaboration Between Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers. National Institute of Education, Singapore (PI)