Michael O'Brien

ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences


ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences


MATH 102 - Applied Linear Algebra

Vectors and matrices, solution of linear equations, equations of lines and planes, determinants, matrix algebra, orthogonality and applications (Gram-Schmidt), eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications, complex numbers. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 102, 125, or 127. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.

MATH 260 - Mathematical Reasoning for Teachers

Reasoning and problem solving in the context of logic, algebra, geometry, and combinatorics. Prerequisite: MATH 160, or consent of Department. Notes: (1) This course is restricted to Elementary Education students. (2) This course cannot be used for credit towards a Science degree.

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