Michael Lounsbury

​Professor and A.F. (Chip) Collins Chair; ​Academic Director of eHUB Entrepreneurship Centre; ​Chair/SEM, Alberta School of Business - Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management


​Professor and A.F. (Chip) Collins Chair; ​Academic Director of eHUB Entrepreneurship Centre; ​Chair/SEM, Alberta School of Business - Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management
(780) 492-1684
4-21 Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6



Academic Director, eHUB

Elected Fellow of the Academy of Management (top 1% of membership) whose purpose is “to recognize and honor members of the Academy of Management who have made significant contributions to the science and practice of management”

J. Gordin Kaplan Award Recipient for Excellence in Research; the most prestigious University of Alberta research award.

Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher; defined as scholars with highly cited papers ranking them among the top 1% most cited in the field of Economics & Business

Editor-In-Chief, Research in the Sociology of Organizations (2002- present)

Adjunct, Department of Sociology


Research Interests

Organization Theory, Entrepreneurial Dynamics, Technological Innovation and Commercialization, Market Creation, Economic Sociology, Strategic Management. 

Professor Lounsbury's research has a general focus on the relationship between entrepreneurship and institutional change, especially the cultural entrepreneurship involved in the creation of new industries and practices. He serves on a number of editorial boards and his work has been published in top tier peer-reviewed journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, and Organization Studies. In addition, he is the series editor of Research in the Sociology of Organizations. At the University of Alberta, he is the Academic Director of eHUB, overseeing curricular and co-curricular entrepreneurship initiatives.


Teaching Interests

Organization Theory, Entrepreneurial Dynamics, Technological Innovation and Commercialization, Market Creation, Economic Sociology, Strategic Management.


SEM 701 - Seminar in Organization Theory

This course introduces students to the major schools of thought in organization and management theory. It considers the development of the field, major and foundational works in these schools of thought, and provides a cognitive map with which to evaluate contemporary research and debates. At the end of the course the student will have an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each major perspective. Prerequisite: Registration in Business PhD Program or written permission of instructor. Approval of the Business PhD Program Director is also required for non-PhD students. Not to be taken by students with credit in ORG A 701.

SEM 704 - Individual Research

Prerequisite: Registration in Business PhD Program or written permission of instructor. Approval of the Business PhD Program Director is also required for non-PhD students.

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Featured Publications

Lounsbury, M., C. Steele, M. Wang & M. Toubiana

Annual Review of Sociology. 2021 December; 47 10.1146/annurev-soc-090320-111734

Hedberg, Leanne & Lounsbury, Michael

Organization Science. 2021 December; 32 10.1287/orsc.2020.1395

Eric Yanfei Zhao, Masakazu Ishihara, P. Devereaux Jennings and Michael Lounsbury

Organization Science. 2018 June; 29 10.1287/orsc.2017.1194

Micelotta, Evelyn, Michael Lounsbury and Royston Greenwood.

Journal of Management. 2017 August; 43 10.1177/0149206317699522

Lee, B.H., Hiatt, S.R., Lounsbury M.

Organization Science. 2017 June; 28 10.1287/orsc.2017.1126

Lee, Min-Dong (Paul), Michael Lounsbury

Organization Science. 2015 January; 26

Hirsch, Paul and, Lounsbury

Journal of Management Inquiry. 2015 January; 24 (1):96-99

2. Gehman, Joel, Lianne Lefsrud, Michael Lounsbury, and Chang Lu

Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 2015 January;

Lounsbury, Michael and Beckman, Christine

Journal of Management Studies. 2014 January; 52 (2):288-308

Paul Tracey, Nelson Phillips, and Michael Lounsbury

In Religion and Organizations. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. 2014 January; 41

Eric Yanfei Zhao, Masakazu Ishihara , and Michael Lounsbury

Organization Studies. 2013 January; 34 (12):1747-1776

Patricia H. Thornton, William Ocasio, and Michael Lounsbury

Administrative Science Quarterly. 2013 January; 58

Tyler Wry, Michael Lounsbury, and P. Devereaux Jennings

Academy of Management Journal. 2013 January; 57 (5):1309-1333

Tyler Wry, Michael Lounsbury, Mary Ann Glynn

Organization Science. 2011 January; 22 (2):449-463

Royston Greenwood, Mia Raynard, Farah Kodeih, Evelyn Micelotta, and Michael Lounsbury

Academy of Management Annals. 2011 January; 5

Michael Lounsbury and Paul Hirsch (Eds.)

Administrative Science Quarterly. 2010 January; 57

Michael Lounsbury, Paul M. Hirsch

Michael Lounsbury, Paul M. Hirsch (ed.) Markets on Trial: The Economic Sociology of the U.S. Financial Crisis: Part B (Research in the Sociology of Organizations). 2010 January; Volume 30 (Part B):5-26

Klaus Weber, Jerry Davis, and Michael Lounsbury

Academy of Management Journal. 2009 January; 52

Michael Lounsbury, and Ellen T. Crumley

Organization Studies. 2007 January; 28 (7):993-1012

Christopher Marquis, and Michael Lounsbury

ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL. 2007 January; 50 (4):799-820

Michael Lounsbury

Academy of Management Journal. 2007 January; 50 (2):289-307

Paul M. Hirsch, and Michael Lounsbury

Academy of Management Review. 2006 January; 21 (3):872-884

Michael Lounsbury

ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL. 2002 January; 45 (1):255-266

Michael Lounsbury

Administrative Science Quarterly. 2001 January; 46

Michael Lounsbury

Administrative Science Quarterly. 2001 January; 46 (1):29-56

Michael Lounsbury and Mary Ann Glynn

Strategic Management Journal. 2001 January; 22 (6-7):545-564

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