Harikrishna Rao Mohan Rao
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Grad Research Asst Fellowship, Faculty of Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept
- mohanrao@ualberta.ca
Grad Research Assistantship, Faculty of Engineering - Dean Administration
- mohanrao@ualberta.ca
Area of Study / Keywords
Advanced Alarm Systems Industrial Alarm Monitoring Process Diagnostics
Harikrishna Rao (Hari) is a Ph.D. candidate in the Advanced Alarm Management and Design Group, supervised by Dr. Tongwen Chen. He is also guided by Dr. Sirish L. Shah. His research focuses on advanced data-driven solutions for the improvement of industrial alarm systems. He aims to develop reliable decision support systems that improve operations and reduce operator workload in the process industries. He received his B.Tech degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Kerala in 2012, where he was awarded the Proficiency Prize for the Best Outgoing Student. His undergraduate project was completed at the Indian Space Research Organization. Hari joined the graduate program at the University of Alberta with over seven years of industrial experience in process control and automation, alarm management, and fault detection in the utility-scale SOFC industry in the U.S., India, Japan, and South Korea. Hari was awarded the 2023 IEEE Systems Council James O. Gray Graduate Scholarship. He is actively involved with the International Society of Automation (ISA) and IEEE. He is also a non-voting member of the ISA18 Standards Committee on Instrument Signals and Alarms.
He is also passionate about tennis (Roger Federer fan forever!), exploring Edmonton's vast river valley, and discovering the hidden gems in the city!
Do you like to play Tennis? Or feel like talking to someone (about life/school/work/why the world works the way it works/other existential questions or vent out) -- Get in touch!
Research Interests: Industrial Alarm Monitoring, Advanced Alarm Systems, and Process Diagnostics
During his tenure in the industry, Hari's work focused on Alarm Management and Fault Detection. He also holds two patent-approved invention disclosures classified as Trade-Secrets in the field of early detection and prediction (online implementation) of abnormality and component failures using process data, and he was the youngest employee to do so. His current research interests fall within the area of intelligent process monitoring and control of large-scale processes.
- 2024 ISA Student Volunteer of the Year Award (Celebrating Global Excellence Award): Leadership
- 2024 Graduate Student Teaching Award (Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Alberta): Teaching
- 2023 IEEE Systems Council James O. Gray Graduate Scholarship: Research and Academics
- Bob Connell Scholarship for 2023-2024 by the International Society of Automation (ISA) Edmonton section: Leadership, Volunteering
- Chancellor’s Leadership Medal and Proficiency Prize for the Best Outgoing Student at the University of Kerala.: Academics, Co-Curricular Activities, and Leadership
- Industrial Alarm Management:
- H. R. M. Rao, T. Chen, and S. L. Shah, "Advances in the smart data analytics framework: Integrating data extraction and automated reporting," presented at the 3rd IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Online Conference IES ONCON 2024 (Dec 08-10, 2024).
- Y. Rahimi, H. R. M. Rao, and T. Chen, "Optimizing alarm design: A comparison of delay-timers, counters, and time-deadbands," presented at the 3rd IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Online Conference IES ONCON 2024 (Dec 08-10, 2024).
- H. R. M. Rao, B. Zhou, K. Brown, T. Chen, and S. L. Shah, "Alarm correlation analysis with applications to industrial alarm management", Control Engineering Practice, vol. 143, 105812, Feb. 2024.
- H. O. Garcés, B. Aballay, H. R. M. Rao, T. Chen, and S. L. Shah, "An Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for Process Monitoring by Visual Analytics". IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58(14), pp.847-854, 2024.
- N. Tamascelli, H. R. M. Rao, V. Cozzani, N. Paltrinieri, and T. Chen, "Online Classification of Alarm Floods Using a Word2vec Algorithm", IECON 2023- 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, Singapore, 2023, pp. 1-6.
- H. R. M. Rao, S. L. Shah, and T. Chen, “Application of Alarm Correlations in Root Cause Diagnosis of Plant-wide Oscillations”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56(2), pp.7154-7159, 2023. Presented at the 22nd IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan.
- H. R. M. Rao, B. Zhou, T. Chen and S. L. Shah, “Discovery of Alarm Correlations Based on Pattern Mining and Network Analysis”, American Control Conference (ACC), 2022, pp. 2467-2472, Atlanta, USA, 8-10 Jun. 2022.
- Engineering Education
- R. Khodarahmi, H. R. M. Rao, and J. Miller-Young, "Toward a More Transformative EDI in Engineering", accepted to the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA-ACEG) Conference 2025
- A. K. Vinayak and H. R. M. Rao, “Engineering education: Nurturing a holistic skill set for future success through an introductory course”, Proceedings of the 2025 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA-ACEG) Conference 2024, Edmonton, Canda, 15-20, Jun. 2024.
- H.R.M. Rao, H. Zhu, and J. Acharya, J., "Teaching and Leading in the Gaming Industry: Past, Present, and Future." Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (ISSN: 2306-0212) 23, no. 1 (2023): 1-4.
Invited Talks, Presentations, and Demonstrations (representing AAMD Research Group):
- Speaker at the Workshop on Intelligent Alarm Management Techniques and Applications at the 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2024), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on July 14, 2024. Title: "Intelligent Alarm Management Toolbox Developed at the University of Alberta".
- Speaker at the 2024 ISA Calgary Show, Calgary, organized by the International Society of Automation(Calgary Section), Date: June 11-13, 2024. Title: "Advanced Alarm Management Tools Developed at the University of Alberta".
- Webinar session entitled "MATLAB-based Alarm Management Tools Developed at the University of Alberta", by Sirish L. Shah, Tongwen Chen, and Harikrishna Rao Mohan Rao, as a part of the AI and Predictive Maintenance in Chemical Engineering Webinar Series, organized by Mathworks Inc. on March 05, 2024.
- Co-presenter (along with Dr. Sirish L. Shah) and Demonstrator of Alarm Management Toolbox at the Alarm Data Analytics & Panel Discussion, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, India. Date: Jan 31, 2024. Organized by the Centre of Excellence in Oil, Gas and Energy, IIT Bombay, India.
- Speaker at the Autonomous Systems Initiative Symposium - "Automated Futures", University of Alberta, Edmonton on September 14-15, 2023. Title: "Toward Intelligent Monitoring of Industrial Systems Using UofA’s Alarm Management Toolbox (AMTool)".
- Speaker at the Workshop on Data Analytics, Causality Inference, and Deep Learning Techniques for Intelligent Alarm Monitoring at the 22nd IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan, on July 8, 2023. Title: "Intelligent Alarm Management Toolbox Developed at the University of Alberta".
- Co-speaker (along with Dr. Tongwen Chen) and Demonstrator of Alarm Management Toolbox at Data-Driven Smart Systems (DDSS) International Workshop, Hiroshima, Japan. Date: July 6-7, 2023. Organized by Digital Manufacturing Education Research Centre (DMERC), Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering - Hiroshima University.
- Speaker at the 2022 Automation Expo and Conference, organized by the International Society of Automation (Edmonton Section), Date: April 5 & 6, 2022. Title: "The Latest Alarm Analytics Tools Developed by the University of Alberta".
- Webinar entitled "Advances in Alarm Management Tools Developed at the University of Alberta" by Harikrishna Rao Mohan Rao*, and Sirish L. Shah, organized by Process Management & Control Special Interest Group, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) on Oct 25, 2022.
- A. Yu, H.R.M. Rao, and T. Chen, "Alarm Data Analytics and Visualization", Dean's Research Award - Fall 2024, Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta
- H. R. M. Rao and T. Chen, FGSR Innovation Showcase (May 25, 2022), Student and Postdoctoral Innovations from YEG Postsecondary Institutions
- Lead Teaching Assistant: ENGG 160 Introduction to Engineering Design, Communication, and Profession - Winter 2024
- Teaching Assistant (LEC): ECE 460 Control Systems II - Winter 2024
- Teaching Assistant (LAB): ECE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Fall 2023
- Teaching Assistant: ENGG 160 Introduction to Engineering Design, Communication, and Profession - Winter 2023 (Control System Architecture Design)
- Teaching Assistant (LEC): ECE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Fall 2022
- Teaching Assistant: ENGG 160 Introduction to Engineering Design, Communication, and Profession - Winter 2022 (Control System Architecture Design)
- Teaching Assistant (LEC): ECE 360 Control Systems I - Fall 2021
- Teaching Assistant (LEC): ECE 209A, ECE 209B Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Spring/Summer 2021
- Teaching Assistant (LEC): ECE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Winter 2021
A reflection of the teaching experience has been documented as a technical article, titled "Engineering education: Nurturing a holistic skill set for future success through an introductory course" (co-authored with Anil Kumar Vinayak), and presented at the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA-ACEG) Conference held in Edmonton, AB from June 15-29, 2024 (to be published in the conference proceedings).
Hari is also currently working as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Intersectional Studies at the University of Alberta, under the supervision of Dr. Janice Miller-Young, on a project to improve Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Diversity (EDI&I) in Engineering Curricula, led by Dr. Ivan Fair, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
Other Engagements:
At the University of Alberta, Hari has been selected/nominated to serve in various committees and student representative organizations in judiciary, advisory, and leadership roles. He aims to improve the student experience, outreach of the resources, foster meaningful connections and create a sense of belongingness among the community.
- President, University of Alberta Student Chapter of International Society of Automation (ISA) Edmonton Section (2023-'25)
- Graduate Panel Member, University Appeal Board (UAB) 2022-'25
- Graduate Student Member, UofA Student Experience Action Plan (SEAP) Support Team (2023-'25) - Read the plan here "Igniting Purpose - The SEAP"
- Student Library Advisory Committee (SLAC), 2020-'21, 2021-'22, 2022-'23, 2023-'24, 2024-'25
- International Students Advisory Committee (ISAC), 2020-'21, 2021-'22, 2022-'23
- Office of the Registrar's Student Advisory Committee - 2022-'23, 2023-'24.
- Dean of Students Advisory Committee (DAC), 2020-'21, 2023-'24
- University of Alberta International Students' Association (UAISA) as the Vice President- Academic Affairs during 2021-'22, and the Director (Student Engagement) during 2020-'21
- Member, Hybrid Delivery Project Team at the Faculty of Engineering (Fall 2021)
External Engagements:
- Hari is an active member of the International Society of Automation. Besides being the Student Chapter President, he is a member (by appointment) of the ISA18 Standards committee and Student Guardian Committee, Education and Research Division (global).
- Reviewer, Control Engineering Practice (Elsevier).
- IEEE Technical Community on Learning Technology (TCLT) - where he interviewed industrial experts and published review articles in the Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology.
- Judge, 2024 Edmonton Regional Science Fair.
- Invited panelist, UAlberta International - Global Learning EDI, Jan 2024.
- Invited panelist for the session on Teaching in the Canadian Classroom (GTLP Level-1), organized by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Alberta, August 2024.
- Co-facilitator Global Climate Change Simulation organized by the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), Aug-Sept, 2024.
- Invited panelist for the International Student Mental Health Panel, organized by Wellness Supports at UofA, and the University of Alberta International Students' Association (UAISA), Jan 2023.
He has been nominated by the Dean of Students to represent the University of Alberta at the Healthy Campus Alberta Wellness Summit 2023, recognizing his contributions to the advocacy for mental health and wellness on campus. He is one of the 20 creative artists from the University of Alberta to be featured in "Happiness Reflected", a community creative project and a limited series podcast released as a part of the 2024 International Day of Happiness.
Book(s) Currently Reading
- "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle.
- "The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared" by Jonas Jonasson
Useful Links
- Campus Resources under Vice-Provost and Dean of Students
- Helpful Resources for Students
- Wellness Resources from the University of Alberta Students' Union (UASU)
- Bright breaks: Various mini-powered guided breaks and activities - Free for UofA students and Faculty.
- Mindfulness Resources from UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center