Martin Mrazik, BSc, MEd, PhD, R.Psych.

Professor, Faculty of Education - Educational Psychology Dept


Professor, Faculty of Education - Educational Psychology Dept
(780) 492-8052
6-135 Education Centre - North
8730 - 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5



I am a clinical neuropsychologist by training. My PhD was completed at the University of Georgia with specialization in clinical neuropsychology under the mentorship of Dr. George Hynd. I served as the Clinical Director of a Head Trauma Program and Chief Psychologist at the Millard Center in Edmonton, Alberta for 5 years. In 2006, I joined the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta. I am a Full Professor associated with the School and Clinical Child Psychology Program. I am personally focused on important issues within post-secondary institutions related to academic freedom, freedom of speech, and representing diverse viewpoints including those from moral and faith based perspectives. Below are my specific areas of research interest. 

Traumatic brain injury/sport concussion: My background in clinical neuropsychology has led to special interest in traumatic brain injury and sport concussion. I am interested in neuropsychological asssessment of traumatic brain injury including sport concussion. Current projects involve psychological outcomes of sport concussions through collaborations on several CIHR and NFL funded projects, and active rehabilitation of athletes following concussion. In addition, I have collaborations with a multi-national study investigating rehabilitation of professional athletes following sport concussion. I currently serve as a neuropsychology consultnt to the National Hockey League (NHL) and Canadian Football League (CFL).


I completed my clinical training in school psychology and later specialized in clinical neuropsychology (University of Georgia), and have broad interests in working with children, adolescents, and adults with a wide range of learning, cognitive, behavioral, and psychological concerns.

My research and clinical interests in neuropsychology consider the application of neuropsychology to specific populations. First, I am interested in traumatic brain injury in children and athletes. I am a co-investigator in 2 Canada wide CIHR grants aimed at improving diagnosis and treatment for paediatric traumatic brain injury. I also have a specialized interest in sport concussion and am currently a part of a Canada wide study evaluating injury outcomes from sport concussion. Specifically in what psychological outcomes arise from sport concussions and what psychological variables predict prolonged recovery from sprot concussion. Finally, together with other researchers ad the U of A, we are determining biochemical forces of injuries in sport.

Other broad research interests include neuropsychological impairments of children with more significant developmental disabiilities. I have become very interested in International School Psychology and finding opportunities for graduate students to use their skills for the global community.


Courses Taught

EDPY 304 Adolescent Development for Teachers

EDPY 499 Developmental Psychology

EDPY 518/519 Individual Psychological Assessment

EDPY 523 Introduction to School Psychology

EDPY 597 Clinical Psychology: principles and practices

EDPY 641 Advanced Psychological Assessment

EDPY 642 Applied Neuropsychological Assessment

EDPY 650 School and Clinical Child Psychology Internship

EDPY 697 Advanced Practice of School Psychology


EDPY 518 - Individual Psychological Assessment: Psycho-Educational Foundations

Theory, principles, and practice of psychological assessment. Students will gain clinical experience in working with individuals referred for psychological assessment. Prerequisites: EDPY 507 or equivalent and EDPY 521 or equivalent. Registration is restricted to School and Clinical Child Psychology and Counselling Psychology students. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 518 and EDPY 545. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

EDPY 519 - Assessment for Effective Intervention: School and Clinical Applications

Theory and principles of psychological assessment in school and clinical settings with an emphasis on informing evidence-based interventions. Students will also expand their knowledge of special populations within the context of psychoeducational assessment. Prerequisite: EDPY 518, EDPY 527. Registration is restricted to School and Clinical Child Psychology students. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 519 and EDPY 545.

EDPY 520 - Assessment for Effective Intervention Practicum

This practicum provides supervised applied experience in both assessment and intervention with a focus on working with children and adolescents. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs. Prerequisites: EDPY 507, EDPY 518 and EDPY 536 or equivalents. Co-requisite: EDPY 519 or equivalent.

EDPY 642 - Neuropsychological Basis of Learning and Development

An overview of the neurobiological aspects of development: implications for biological, social, and cognitive functioning through childhood and adolescence. Prerequisite: EDPY 519 or equivalent.

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