Michael Maier, PhD, CPA, CGA

Associate Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Accounting and Business Analytics
Associate Dean MBA, Alberta School of Business - MBA Office


Associate Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Accounting and Business Analytics
(780) 248-1275
2-30 Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6

Associate Dean MBA, Alberta School of Business - MBA Office




  • PhD in Business Administration - University of Iowa
  • BCom with Distinction - University of Alberta


  • 2015 Mackenzie MBA Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2010 Mackenzie MBA Teaching Excellence Award

Professional Designations:

  • Member of Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta (CPA)
  • Institute for Corporate Directors, Director (ICD.D)


Research Interests

  • Experimental Economics
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Accounting Regulation
  • Fair-Value Accounting
  • The Use of Social Capital in Lending Decisions


Teaching Interests

  • Financial Accounting
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Valuation


ACCTG 523 - Accounting Information and Internal Decision Making

Accounting concepts used by managers in planning and decision-making. The course introduces concepts of cost and profit behavior, contribution margin, and activity-based costing, as well as relevant costs and revenues for production, marketing and capital budgeting decisions. The course also introduces students to the management planning and control system and its components - budgets, variance analysis, performance evaluation in centralized and decentralized organizations, and management compensation plans. The importance of designing a system to fit the organizations' strategy is emphasized. Prerequisite: ACCTG 501.

ACCTG 812 - Financial Reporting for Managers and Analysts

Useful both as a stand-alone course and as a foundation for further study in financial statement analysis. Provides further depth in balance sheet valuation and income measurement in order to enhance students' ability to use financial accounting as a management tool. Restricted to students registered in the MFM Program.

Browse more courses taught by Michael Maier

Scholarly Activities

Research - CGA Alberta Research Grant ($20,000)

2011 to 2012

Awarded to support accounting research.

Research - Publications

The cost of transfusing a unit of red blood cells: a costing model for Canadian hospital use. (2017). Vox Sanguinis ISBT Science Series, Vol 12 (3), June: 375-380. (with O. Lagerquist, D. Poseluzny, G. Werstiuk, J. Slomp, S. Nahirniak and G. Clarke)

Simple Agents, Intelligent Markets. (2017). Computational Economics, Vol 49 (4), April: 653-675. (with Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder)

Environmental Liabilities and the Move to IFRS for Canadian Resource Companies: Discount Rates and Diversity in Practice. (2017). Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (with Giovanna Michelon and Thomas Schneider) 

Public Information Precision and Coordination Failure: An Experiment. (2016). Journal of Accounting Research, Vol 54 (3), September: 941-986. (with Sanjay Banerjee)

Cognition in Spatial Dispersion Games. (2005) in Rami Zwick and Amnon Rapoport (Editors) Experimental Business Research, Volume III: Marketing, Accounting and Cognitive Perspectives, Kluwer, Nowell, MA. (with Andreas Blume and Douglas V. DeJong)

Enforced Standards Versus Evolution by General Acceptance: A Comparative Study of E-Commerce Privacy Disclosure and Practice in The US and UK. (2005). Journal of Accounting Research Vol 43 ( I), March: 73-96. (with Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder)

Regulation and The Marketplace. (2004). Regulation Magazine. Vol 26 (4), Winter Issue. Published by The Cato Institute, Washington, D.C: January, pp 38·41 . (with Karim lamal and Shyam Sunder)

Privacy in E-Commerce: Development of Reporting Standards, Disclosure and Assurance Services in an Unregulated Market. (2003). Journal of Accounting Research, May. Vol 41 (2): 285-309. (with Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder)

Research - SSHRC Standard Research Grant ($58,662)

2011 to 2015

"Does fair value accounting discipline markets or increase volatility and destabilize markets” Principal Investigator: Michael Maier Co-Applicants: Karim Jamal, Thomas Schneider

Teaching - University of Alberta TLEF Award ($50,000)

2017 to 2019

Awarded by the University of Alberta Center for Teaching and Learning to support innovative teaching methodologies. Co-applicant: Emily Block

Featured Publications

Sanjay Banerjee, Michael Maier

Journal of Accounting Research. 2016 January; 54 (3):941-986

Karim Jamal, Michael Maier, Shyam Sunder

Journal of Accounting Research. 2005 January; 43 (1):73-96

Karim Jamal, Michael Maier, Shyam Sunder

Journal of Accounting Research. 2003 January; 41 (2):285-309