Matthew Wildcat

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Native Studies


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Native Studies


NS 404 - Selected Topics in Indigenous Studies

Prerequisite: One 300-level NS course or consent of the Faculty.

NS 430 - Indigenous Governance and Partnership Capstone

This course synthesizes and integrates the range of knowledge and analysis from previous Indigenous governance courses, and normally includes a practical component to enhance the interplay of the theory and actual practice of governance. Prerequisites: 6 units from the list of required and elective courses for the Certificate in Indigenous Governance and Partnership [refer to the Native Studies Certificates section of the calendar], or consent of the Faculty. NS 390 is also recommended. Students intending to complete the Certificate in Indigenous Governance and Partnership should complete all other Certificate requirements first. Sections offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

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