Nolan Crouse


University of Alberta


EXLDR 5620 - Leadership Fundamentals

Leadership is all about building relationships and connecting with people. Reflect on current leadership practices and explore fundamental leadership theories as you discuss different leadership styles and strengths. Identify key planning strategies to lead others toward a shared vision. Identify strategies on how to develop a cohesive, efficient, and effective team. Understand the beliefs and barriers that may hinder the efforts of emerging leaders.

EXLDR 5623 - Change Leadership

Knowing how to initiate, lead, and manage successful change initiatives is valuable for leaders at all levels. Topics may include: change theories and models; change management strategies; initiating and implementing change; and organizational and individual learning associated with change experiences.

EXMGT 5587 - Organizational Behaviour

Explores the theory and practice of the organization in three major parts: the organizational environment, the organizational structure, and the behaviour of groups and individuals within the organization. Topics include the social role of managers, organizational structure, individual perception, motivation, decision-making and leadership, communication, teamwork and stress in the work place.

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