Pamela Filiatrault-Veilleux

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences & Disorders

Pronouns: She / Her / Elle


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences & Disorders
(778) 847-7817
3-08 Corbett (E.A.) Hall
8205 - 114 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G4



Dr. Pamela Filiatrault-Veilleux completed a SSHRC funded PhD at Université Laval, in Quebec, Canada, where she explored inferential comprehension abilities of young preschoolers aged 3-6 years, leading to the creation and publication of a free accessible assessment tool. In 2020, she completed a SSHRC funded postdoc with the Centre for Research on Early Child Health and Education at Simon Fraser University, in British Columbia (Canada), which aimed to explore the impact of plurilingualism on language and cognitive processes involved in early literacy and reading comprehension. Pamela also worked as a practitioner RSLP in both private and public settings, in Quebec and British Columbia, with children with diverse support needs. Dr. Filiatrault-Veilleux has active research partnerships with researchers across Canada and internationally, including from Australia and France. One of her main research interests focuses on language comprehension of young children. The goal of her research is to improve both assessment and access to early intervention, targeting receptive language of young children with language-comprehension difficulties, including children with Developmental Language Disorder and on the autism spectrum. She is registered as a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) with the Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ACSLPA), the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC (CSHBC), the Ordre des Orthophonistes et Audiologistes du Québec (OOAQ) and certified with the Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC). 


One of my main research interests focuses on language comprehension (receptive language) of young children. The goal of my research is to improve assessment and early intervention, targeting receptive language for all young children.

Current funded research projects:

  • Inferential comprehension difficulties in young children, making the invisible visible. Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., Charest, M., Westerveld, M., Paytner, J., Ehnes, A. Funded by a SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2024-2026). 
  • Global TALES project: A global investigation into the personal narrative skills of children and adolescents. Filiatrault-Veilleux, P. and Westerveld, M. Funded by a Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine’s New Investigator grant (2024-2025). 
  • Measuring Autistic Writing Development: Combining Perspectives from Neurodiversity Advocates, Autism Researchers, and Writing Theories. Brown, H., Zajic, M., Asaro-Saddler, K., Hamsho, N., Douglas, P. Funded by a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (2023-2026).
  • Francophone school-based S-LPs' perceptions of their involvement in Tier 1 intervention during interactive-reading: implications for speech-language pathology practice / Perception d’orthophonistes scolaires francophones de leur implication au palier 1 d’intervention en lecture interactive : retombées sur la pratique orthophonique. Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., Mc-Mahon Morin, P., Croteau, C. & Campbell, W. Funded by a Speech-Language & Audiology Canada’s Clinical Research Grant (2023-2025).
  • Habiletés langagières et cognitives contribuant à la compréhension inférentielle chez les jeunes enfants francophones unilingues, bilingues et multilingues âgés de 3 à 4 ans. Filiatrault-Veilleux, P. and Cailles, S. Funded by Mourou-Strickland Mobility Program (2024-2025).
  • Inferential Narrative Comprehension in Young School-Age Children on the Autism Spectrum. Westerveld, M., Paynter, J., & Filiatrault-Veilleux P. Funded by Speech Pathology Australia Nadia Verrall Memorial Research Grant. (2021-2024)

Lab website:


Dr. Filiatrault-Veilleux is currently welcoming undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning more about language abilities of children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), children on the autism spectrum or children with support needs.   


CSD 311 - Language Development in Children and Adolescents

Introduction to the study of the development of all aspects of language, from sounds to social interaction, from birth through adolescence. Includes a review of theories and current research as well as practice with analyses of children's language. Sections offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar. Consent of Department required. Prerequisite: LING 101 or equivalent, LING 204 and LING 205 recommended. Note: Credit cannot be received for both CSD 311 and LING 319.

LING 319 - Child Language Acquisition

Basic issues in first language acquisition: theories, research methods, and major findings. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar. Prerequisite: LING 101, LING 204 and 205 recommended. Not open to students with credit in CSD 211 or 311.

Browse more courses taught by Pamela Filiatrault-Veilleux

Featured Publications

Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., Graves, M., & Hoskyn, M.

International Journal of Multilingualism. 2025 February; 10.1080/14790718.2025.2456054

McMahon-Morin, P., Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., Bazin, H., Rombaux, E. et Giroux, M.

Revue Hybride de l'Education. 2025 January; 9 (1) 10.1522/rhe.v9i1.1733

Filiatrault-Veilleux, P; Desmarais, C.; Bouchard, C.; Esau, B. and Sylvestre, A.

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 2024 April; 10.1044/2024_JSLHR-23-00484

Westerveld, M. F., Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., & Paynter, J.

Autism & Developmental Language Impairments. 2021 September; 6 10.1177/23969415211035666

Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., Bouchard, C., Trudeau, N., and Desmarais, C.

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 2016 October; 59 (5):1099-1110 10.1044/2016_JSLHR-L-15-0252

Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., Desmarais, C., Bouchard, C., Trudeau, N., & Leblond, J.

Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 2016 March; 40 (2):149–163

Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., Bouchard, C., Trudeau, N. and Desmarais, C.

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. 2015 July; 50 (6):737-749 10.1111/1460-6984.12175

Inferential Comprehension in a Dialogic Reading Task: Comparing 5-year-old Children with Specific Language Impairment to Typically Developing Peers

Filiatrault-Veilleux, P; Tarte, G., and Desmarais, C.

Recent Advances in Language and Communication. 2015 January;

Desmarais, C., Nadeau, L., Trudeau, N., Filiatrault-Veilleux, P. & Maxès-Fournier, C.

Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 2013 May; 27 (6-7):540-552 10.3109/02699206.2013.791880

Desmarais C. Nadeau, L. Trudeau, N. Filiatrault-Veilleux, P. Maxès-Fournier¸ C.

Glossa, Spécial XIIIèmes Rencontres d’orthophonie. 2013 February; (113):45-62

Desmarais, C., Archambault, M.-C., Filiatrault-Veilleux, P. & Tarte, G.

Revue des sciences de l’éducation. 2012 June; 38 (3):555-578 10.7202/1022712ar

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