Peggy St Jacques, PhD, Honors BSc

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Psychology Science


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Psychology Science


Area of Study / Keywords

Autobiographical Memory Memories for Events Visual Perspective Functional Neuroimaging


I obtained my PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University, USA, after completing an Honours BSc in Psychology at the University of Toronto, Canada. I then conducted an NRSA funded post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University, USA, before moving to the UK as a Lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of Sussex, UK. I am now an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada where I direct the Memory for Events Lab. I was recently named an Association for Psychological Science Rising Star and elected to the prestigious Memory Disorders Research Society. One of my favourite autobiographical memories is when I visited a Balsamic Vinegar House in the Reggio Emilia area in Italy.


Memory for Events Lab:

My primary research focus is to understand the cognitive and neural mechanisms that support memory for events, including autobiographical experiences from one’s personal past and realistic experiences encoded in a more controlled setting. The two current research areas in the lab are: 1) how long-term representations of memory are modified via retrieval related mechanisms, and 2) the influence of visual perspective on memory encoding and retrieval. I have also examined how memories change as we age, the influence of emotion on memory, and memory related changes in dementia and post-traumatic stress disorder. We primarily use behavioral, fMRI, and immersive virtual reality techniques to understand these questions.


Some Representative Publications:

Iriye H, St. Jacques PL. (In Press) How Visual Perspective Influences the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Autobiographical Memory Retrieval. Cortex.

St. Jacques PL, Spzunar KK, Schacter DL. (2017). Shifting visual perspective during retrieval shapes autobiographical memories. NeuroImage, 148, 103-114.

St. Jacques PL, Olm C, Schacter DL. Neural mechanisms of reactivation-related updating that enhance and distort memory. (2013). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110(49), 19671-19678.


NSERC Discovery Grant, 2019 - 2025


PSYCO 104: Basic Psychological Processes

PSYCO 350: Human Memory


Students interested in getting involved in the lab should refer to the Memory for Events Lab website for information on how to apply.

For information about applying to the graduate program in the Department of Psychology graduate see here.


PSYCH 350 - Human Memory

An introduction to the study of human memory. Topics include verbal learning and interference theory, the short-term/long-term memory distinction, semantic memory, working memory, sensory memory, autobiographical memory, amnesia, and implicit memory. The emphasis will be on developing coherent theoretical accounts of the evidence. Prerequisite: PSYCH 258. [Faculty of Arts]

PSYCH 458 - Advanced Topics in Cognition

In-depth examination of one or more topics in cognitive psychology. Topics may include knowledge representation, visual cognition, memory, learning, decision-making, language, reasoning and problem-solving. Prerequisites: PSYCH 350, 354, 356 or 357. Note: May be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. Consult the Department of Psychology website for the topics offered and any additional prerequisites.[Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 505 - Conference Course in Psychology

Review and discussion of advanced theoretical or methodological topics or emerging research areas in Psychology. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students. Note: Consult the Department of Psychology website for the topics offered and any additional prerequisites.[Faculty of Science]

Browse more courses taught by Peggy St Jacques

Featured Publications

Faul L, St. Jacques PL, DeRosa J, Parikh N, De Brigard, F.

NeuroImage. 2020 July; 15

Iriye H, St. Jacques PL

Cortex. 2020 May;

Renoult L, Armson MJ, Diamond NB, Fan C, Jeyakumar N, Levesque L, Oliva L, McKinnon M, Papadopoulos A, Selarka D, St. Jacques PL, Levine B

Neuropsychologia. 2020 May;

St. Jacques PL

Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2019 July; 28 (5):450-455

Jordão M, Ferreira-Santos F, Pinho MS, St Jacques PL

Psychology & Aging. 2019 January; 34 (4):531-544

Jordão M, Pinho MS, St. Jacques PL

Psychological Research. 2019 January; 83 (4):710-726

De Brigard F, Hanna E, St. Jacques PL, Schacter DL

Cognition and Emotion. 2018 June; 33 (4):646-659

Marcotti P, St. Jacques PL

Memory. 2018 January; 26 (3):330-341

St. Jacques PL, Carpenter, AC, Szpunar KK, Schacter DL

Neuropsychologia. 2018 January; 110

St. Jacques PL, Spzunar KK, Schacter DL

NeuroImage. 2017 January; 148

St. Jacques PL, Grady C, Davidson P, Chow T

Neurocase. 2015 January; 21 (4):429-37

St. Jacques PL, Montgomery D, Schacter DL

Memory. 2015 January; 23 (6):876-87

Spzunar KK, St. Jacques PL, Robbins CA, Wig GS, Schacter DL

Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience. 2014 January; 9 (5):712-722

St. Jacques PL, Schacter DL

Psychological Science. 2013 January; 24 (4):537-543

St. Jacques PL, Olm C, Schacter DL

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2013 January; 110 (49):19671-19678

St. Jacques PL, Kragel PA, Rubin DC

Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 2013 January; 13 (3):554-566

Schryer E, Ross M, St. Jacques PL, Levine B, Fernandes M

Experimental Aging Research. 2012 January; 38 (4):345-369

St. Jacques PL, Rubin DC, Cabeza R

Neurobiology of Aging. 2012 January; 33 (7):1298-12310

St. Jacques PL, Conway MA, Lowder M, Cabeza R

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2011 January; 23 (6):1275-1284

St. Jacques PL, Kragel PA, Rubin DC

NeuroImage. 2011 January; 57 (2):608-616

St. Jacques PL, Conway M, Cabeza R

Memory. 2011 January; 19 (7):723-732

St. Jacques PL, Botzung A, Miles A, Rubin DC

Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2011 January; 45 (5):630-637

Schacter DL, Guerin S, St. Jacques PL

Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 2011 January; 15 (10):467-474

Janssen SMJ, St. Jacques PL, Rubin DC

Memory & Cognition. 2011 January; 39 (1):1-11

St. Jacques P, Dolcos F, Cabeza R

Neurobiology of Aging. 2010 January; 31 (2):315-327

St. Jacques PL, Bessette-Symons B, Cabeza R

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2009 January; 15 (6):819-825

St. Jacques PL, Dolcos F, Cabeza R

Psychological Science. 2009 January; 20 (1):74-84

St. Jacques PL, Rubin DC, LaBar K, Cabeza R

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2008 January; 20 (7):1327-1341

Cabeza R, St. Jacques PL

Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 2007 January; 11 (5):219-227

Chow TW, Takeshita S, Honjo K, Pataky CE, St. Jacques PL, Kusano ML, Caldwell CB, Ramirez J, Black S, Verhoeff NPLG

BMC Nuclear Medicine. 2007 January; 7 (2):1-11

Memory. 2007 January; 15 (2):129-144