RD Beason

Professor, Alberta School of Business - Marketing, Business Economics and Law


Professor, Alberta School of Business - Marketing, Business Economics and Law
(780) 492-2804
3-30F Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6



Teaching Interests

  • Business Economics

Scholarly Activities

Research - Books

The Political Economy of Japanese Financial Markets: Myths and Realities. Forthcoming, Macmillan Press Ltd. 1999.

The Japan that Never Was. With Dennis Patterson. SUNY Press, 2004.

Research - Conference Proceedings, Book Chapters, Review Articles, Working Papers

“Restructuring announcements and performance among Japanese firms in response to prudential policy changes,” with Ken Gordon, Vikas Mehrotra and Akiko Watanabe. Presented at the conference of the 40th anniversary of the Kangwon National University College of Business, Korea, October 2010.

“Restructuring and returns in Japan following the lost decade,” with Ken Gordon, Vikas Mehrotra and Akiko Watanabe. Presented at the Asia Pacific Economic Forum, Keio University, Japan. November 2009.

“Ownership, corporate groupings and returns among Japanese firms,” Presented at the Japanese Studies Association of Canada, October 2008.

“Restructuring and returns during Japan’s ‘lost decade,’” Presented at the Northern Finance Association Meeting, August 2008.

“Restructuring, returns and performance among Japanese firms,” Presented at the Japanese Studies Association of Canada, August 2007.

“Japan has always been global,” in Japan in the Global Economy, Ron Coates, ed. 2003, UBC Press.

Review of Corporate Financing and Governance in Japan, by Takeo Hoshii and Anil Kashyap.

Review of Making Health Work, Human Growth in Modern Japan, forthcoming in Canadian Journal of Economics, November 1997.

"Growth, Targeting and Economies of Scale," in Structural Change, Industrial Location and Competitiveness, B. Yeung and J. Oxley, eds.

Review of Japan’s Computer and Communications Industry, in Journal of Asian Studies, November 1996.

“Testing for the Neutrality of Japan’s Fiscal Packages, 1992-1997,” Working Paper, 1996.

"Supplemental Budgets and Elections in Japan," Proceedings Of the Japanese Studies Association of Canada, fall 1996.

"Research and Development in Japan and North America: Myths and Realities," Proceedings of the Japanese Studies Association of Canada, fall 1992.

"Share Price Volatility and Japanese Corporate Groupings," Proceedings of the Japanese Studies Association of Canada, October 1991.

Review of Productivity and Growth in the U.S. and Japan, Hulten, ed. in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, March, 1992.

"The Political Economy of Finance for Small-Medium Japanese Enterprises," Proceedings of the Japanese Business Studies Association, January, 1992.

"The Cost of Capital by Firm Size in Japan," Proceedings of the Japanese Studies Association of Canada, January, 1991.

Research - Journal Articles

“Restructuring announcements and performance among Japanese firms in response to prudential policy changes,” with Ken Gordon, Vikas Mehrotra and Akiko Watanabe. Forthcoming, Asia Pacific Journal of Business.

“Japanese Fiscal Austerity and imports from Korea,” with Todd Smith. Journal of the Korean Economy, Fall 2007.

“Separation Risk and Firm Size-Earnings Relationships Japan and the United States,” Japan and the World Economy, September 2000.

“Contagion Effects and Asian Flu,” with Chinwen Hsin. Asia Pacific Journal of Finance, May 1999.

“The Political-Economy of Japans Fiscal Packages During the Heisei Recession,” with Dennis Patterson. World Politics, August 2002.

“The MITI Myth,” The American Enterprise, July/August 1995.

"Growth, Targeting and Economies of Scale in Japan: 1960-1990," August 1996, The Review of Economics and Statistics, (with David Weinstein).

"Corporate Groupings and Share Price Volatility in Japan," May 1998, Pacific Basin Finance Journal.

"Tests of Production Smoothing in Selected Japanese Industries," Journal of Monetary Economics, June 1993.

"Intertemporal Substitution and Labor Supply in Japan," Journal of Human Resources, spring 1992.

"The Role of Financial Keiretsu," Business and the Contemporary World, fall 1992.

"Cost of Borrowed Funds by Firm Scale in Japan: An Empirical Study," Economic Studies Quarterly, March, 1992.