Samira ElAtia, PhD

Professor, Campus Saint-Jean - Recherches et Études Supérieurs (Graduate)
Associate Dean, Grad Studies, Campus Saint-Jean - Académique
English | Français


Professor, Campus Saint-Jean - Recherches et Études Supérieurs (Graduate)
(780) 485-8630
2-10 CSJ Pavillon Lacerte
8406 Marie-Anne-Gaboury St (91 St)
Edmonton AB
T6C 4G9

Associate Dean, Grad Studies, Campus Saint-Jean - Académique


Area of Study / Keywords

Educational Assessment Assessing Graduate Attributes French language testing School leadership and the intersection of gender CSJ Researchers - Education Research


Dr. Samira ElAtia is professor of education and the Associate Dean-Graduate Studies at the bilingual Campus Saint-Jean of the University of Alberta. She specializes in the evaluation of competencies and language assessment. Her research interest focuses on issues of fairness in assessment, especially in bilingual contexts. She has served on experts' panels of several international testing agencies: Educational Testing Services in the US, Pearson Education in the UK, The International Baccalaureate Organization, Chambre du commerce et de l’industrie of Paris, Centre international des études pédagogiques of the Ministry of Education in France. She holds a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an MA from Illinois State University. She is president of the Canadian Association of Language Assessment.


Educational Leadership and Administration at the Intersections of Gender- SSHRC – Partnership Grant (Principal investigator), 2021-2024 — 311,146 $

Canadian school administrators' statistical reasoning about probability, effect, and representativeness--- SSHRC- Insight Grants, (Co-investigator with Dr. Hunter, Principal Investigator), 2021 – 2025 — 350,000 $

Enjeux de l’évaluation des compétences linguistiques en français en programme d’immersion. Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (Chercheure Principale), 2021-2022 — 71,000 $


Are you interested in issues relating to (1) school leadership, (2) intersection of gender, and (3) Assessment of French in a minority context?

Dr. ElAtia can support your program in the Education Division of Faculté Saint-Jean and within the Department of Educational Policy Studies of the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta through a multi-year Graduate Research Assistantship. Worth over 25,000$ a year in annual salary and benefits, this is available for up to two years (subject to annual review), and recipients would continue to be eligible for other available awards and scholarships.

The Graduate Research Assistant will work under Dr. ElAtia’s direct supervision and will support her research activities. This position requires proficiency in French and English and it will provide students with opportunities for research and training in all areas of educational leadership and in French immersion education. Graduate Students will also be eligible for other available awards and scholarships offered at the University of Alberta.

If you are interested, please get in touch with Dr. ElAtia via email ( Please make sure you send your CV. For information on the Graduate program and application process, please visit the website of FSJ graduate program:


Featured Publications

Samira ElAtia, Jason Carey, Marnie Jamieson, Marcus Ivey & Bashair Alibrahim

Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 2021 April; 51 (1):71-98

Samira ElAtia & Donald Ipperciel

D. In A. Azevedo (Ed) "Handbook of Research on Big Data and Learning Analytics." Hershey, PA: IGI. 2021 March;

Shahrzad Saif & Samira ElAtia

Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 2020 November; 23 (2):ix-xiii

Samira ElAtia, Donald Ipperciel, Osmar Zaïane, Behdad Bakhshinategh & Patrick Thibaudeau

International Journal of Information and learning Technology. 2020 September; 38 (1):117-134