Sandra Garvie-Lok, PhD, MA, BA

Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Anthropology Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Anthropology Dept
(780) 492-0137
13-9 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H4


ANTHR 209 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Survey of theory and basic data in human evolution and human variation. Topics include primatology, osteology, hominoid paleontology, variation in modern populations.

ANTHR 407 - Paleopathology

A detailed survey of disease processes in antiquity as expressed in skeletal and preserved tissues. Prerequisite: ANTHR 390 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 571 - Advanced Readings in Anthropology

Individual research project conducted under the direction of a Department faculty member. Closed to web registration. Department consent required.

ANTHR 584 - Advanced Topics in Archaeology and/or Biological Anthropology

Consult the Department and/or the schedule of classes for the specific topics offered.

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