Winter Term 2025 (1900)
ANTHR 209 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 2-0-1)
Survey of theory and basic data in human evolution and human variation. Topics include primatology, osteology, hominoid paleontology, variation in modern populations.
LECTURE B01 (73575)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
MW 09:00 - 09:50
LAB H01 (73576)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
R 12:30 - 13:20
LAB H02 (73577)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
R 14:00 - 14:50
LAB H03 (73578)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
R 15:30 - 16:20
LAB H04 (73579)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
F 09:00 - 09:50
LAB H05 (73580)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
F 10:00 - 10:50
LAB H06 (73581)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
F 11:00 - 11:50
ANTHR 407 - Paleopathology
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 2-0-1)
A detailed survey of disease processes in antiquity as expressed in skeletal and preserved tissues. Prerequisite: ANTHR 390 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.
LECTURE B01 (78320)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
TR 09:30 - 10:20
ANTHR 571 - Advanced Readings in Anthropology
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)
Individual research project conducted under the direction of a Department faculty member. Closed to web registration. Department consent required.
IND B05 (79361)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
ANTHR 584 - Advanced Topics in Archaeology and/or Biological Anthropology
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)
Consult the Department and/or the schedule of classes for the specific topics offered.
SEMINAR B01 (76439)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
TR 09:30 - 10:50
Fall Term 2025 (1930)
ANTHR 140 - Anthropology of Death
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
Comparative survey of beliefs and customs surrounding death and the dead in past and present human cultures. Offered in alternate years.
LECTURE A01 (57801)
2025-09-02 - 2025-12-08
MWF 10:00 - 10:50
ANTHR 476 - Palaeodietary Reconstruction
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)
Survey of methods used to reconstruct past human diets, with an emphasis on those that involve the study of human remains. Prerequisite: ANTHR 206 or 209 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.
SEMINAR A01 (57794)
2025-09-02 - 2025-12-08
TR 12:30 - 13:50
ANTHR 576 - Advanced Palaeodietary Reconstruction
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)
Advanced survey of methods used to reconstruct past human diets, with an emphasis on those that involve the study of human remains. Offered in alternate years.
SEMINAR A01 (57795)
2025-09-02 - 2025-12-08
TR 12:30 - 13:50
Winter Term 2026 (1940)
ANTHR 304 - History of Biological Anthropology
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
A survey of the development of theory and method in biological anthropology. Prerequisites: ANTHR 209 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years. Not open to students with credit in ANTHR 498.
LECTURE B01 (87808)
2026-01-05 - 2026-04-10
TR 11:00 - 12:20
ANTHR 443 - Juvenile Osteology
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 2-0-1)
Study of the juvenile skeleton, treating development and identification of juvenile skeletal elements. Other topics include the theory and practice of determining juvenile age at death and the study of juvenile health and childrearing practices in past populations using skeletal remains. Prerequisite: ANTHR 390, or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.
LECTURE B01 (87812)
2026-01-05 - 2026-04-10
MW 13:00 - 13:50
LAB H01 (87813)
2026-01-05 - 2026-04-10
F 13:00 - 13:50
ANTHR 543 - Advanced Juvenile Osteology
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 2-0-1)
Study of the juvenile skeleton, treating development and identification of juvenile skeletal elements. Other topics include the theory and practice of determining juvenile age at death and the study of juvenile health and childrearing practices in past populations using skeletal remains. Offered in alternate years.
LECTURE B01 (87819)
2026-01-05 - 2026-04-10
MW 13:00 - 13:50
LAB H01 (87820)
2026-01-05 - 2026-04-10
F 13:00 - 13:50