Shanshan Yao, PhD

ATS Assistant teaching professor, Faculty of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept


ATS Assistant teaching professor, Faculty of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept
7-324 Donadeo Innovation Centre For Engineering
9211 116 St
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5


Area of Study / Keywords

Unconventional Resources Hydraulic Fracturing Reservoir Characterization Reservoir Engineering Pore-scale Processes in Porous Media Pneumatic Percussion Drilling Pumped Storage Hydropower Systems


PET E 295 - Fundamental Reservoir Engineering

Rock properties (porosity, permeability): definition, measurement and models. Rock-fluid interaction (wettability, relative permeability, interfacial tension, capillary pressure): definition, measurement and models. Single and multiphase flow through porous media Darcy equation and diffusivity equation: Derivation and solution for different coordinates and boundary conditions. Prerequisite: PET E 275. PET E 295 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in PET E 373.

PET E 478 - Thermal Methods in Heavy Oil Recovery

A design course covering new developments in the area of heavy oil recovery. Will include modeling and designing heavy-oil recovery applications and thermal methods. Prerequisite: PET E 295 or PET E 373.

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