Gregory Sivakoff, PhD, MSc, BSc

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics


Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics
(780) 492-7992
2-113 Centennial Ctr For Interdisciplinary SCS II
11335 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5



BSc/BA (2000) Brandeis University, USA
MSc (2001) University of Manchester, UK
MSc (2003) University of Virginia, USA
PHd (2006) University of Virginia, USA
Postdoctoral Researcher, The Ohio State University, USA, 2006-2008
Research Associate, University of Virginia, USA, 2008-2011
Assistant Professor, University of Alberta, 2011-2017
Associate Professor, University of Alberta, 2017-present
Associate Chair of Research (Physics), 2018-present


My primary research focuses on multi-wavelength observations of white dwarfs, neutron stars, stellar-mass black holes, and super-massive black holes (Active Galactic Nucleii), with a strong focus on those sources that are transient and/or variable. My other research interests include the transient radio-through-sub-mm Universe, globular clusters, the intergalactic medium, and data mining. I also have strong interests in Education & Public Outreach.


Teaching Areas:

Astronomy, Physics

Teaching Philosophy:

  • I want to share the excitement of astronomy with all of my students.
  • Mastering concepts is more important than simple memorization.
  • Mathematics and problem solving are essential skills, regardless of your major.


I am a strong believer in mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, whether as their official supervisor or as an unofficial mentor.
Please feel free to contact me if you are interested.


ASTRO 101 - Black Holes

An introduction to the science of black holes and its connection to how black holes are portrayed in popular culture and news. Topics include: properties of light; introduction to gravity, relativity and quantum physics; life cycle of stars; measurements of black hole properties; observed features of black holes interacting with their environment; event horizons, the ergosphere, and singularities; quantum black holes, information, and Hawking radiation; gravitational lensing; gravitational radiation. Prerequisites: Math 30-1. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in ASTRO 122.

ASTRO 320 - Stellar Astrophysics I

Application of physics to stellar formation and stellar evolution; theoretical models and observational comparisons of main sequence stars, white dwarf stars, neutron stars, supernovae, black holes; binary star systems, stellar atmospheres and stellar spectra. Prerequisites: MATH 115, 118, 136, 146 or 156 and one of PHYS 208 or 271. Previous knowledge of astronomy is advantageous.

Browse more courses taught by Gregory Sivakoff

Scholarly Activities

Research - Very Large Array Sky Survey

As co-chair of the Transients Science Working Group for the Very Large Array Sky Survey, I am working to maximize the scientific and outreach success of this three-epoch seven-year survey of the (northern) sky visible from New Mexico.

Science Webpage

Featured Publications

James C. A. Miller-Jones, Gregory R. Sivakoff, et al.

The Astrophysical Journal. 421 (1):468-485

Gregory Sivakoff et al.

The Astrophysical Journal. 660 (2):1246-1263

IceCube Collaboration et al. (997 Authors)

Science. 361 (6398):eaat1378

James C. A. Miller-Jones, Gregory R. Sivakoff, et al.

Science. 340 (6135):950-952

B. E. Tetarenko, J.-P. Lasota, C. O. Heinke, G. Dubus & G. R. Sivakoff

Nature. 554

Miller-Jones, James C. A., Tetarenko, Alexandra J., Sivakoff, Gregory R., et al.

Nature. 569 (7756):374-377