Sonya Sachar

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education - Elementary Education


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education - Elementary Education


EDEL 305 - Language Arts in the Elementary School

This course will introduce the language arts curriculum and will give a broad overview of the knowledge and skills required to implement a language arts program in the elementary school, including oral language, reading and writing. Prerequisite: EDU 100 and 210; pre/corequisite EDU 211. For students in the Elementary After Degree program: pre/corequisite EDU 210, 211, and 300. EDEL 305 is offered as part of Year 3 of the Elementary Program Route.

EDEL 451 - Methods in the Teaching of English to Multilingual Students

This course is designed for those interested in teaching English to multilingual students at the K-6 levels. Course focuses include orientation and assessment, program planning, teaching methods and techniques for second language education, integrating language and content, and multilingual materials and resources. Prerequisite: successful completion of EDFX 425; or consent of the Associate Chair.

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