Stephen Strelkov

Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept


Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
(780) 492-1969
4-16E Agriculture/Forestry Centre
9011 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2P5




PhD, University of Manitoba

Job/Research Area

Plant Pathology and Associate Chair (Grad Programs)


Major Responsibilities/Research Interests

My main research interests are in the area of host-parasite interactions, particularly in the role of host-specific toxins in fungal pathogenicity and plant disease development. Our work has focused on the purification, characterization and mode of action of Ptr ToxB, a host-specific toxin produced by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, the causal agent of tan spot of wheat. We have recently also began exploring the basic pathogenic ability of virulent and avirulent isolates of the pathogen, and its relationship to toxin production. Furthermore, since my arrival at the University of Alberta, my interests have expanded beyond the tan spot pathosystem to include a number of other areas in plant pathology. Of particular importance has been our work on clubroot of crucifers, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, which is an emerging disease of canola in Alberta. Given the recent occurrence of this disease in the province, the scope of our research on clubroot has ranged from the basic to the applied. We have examined questions related to pathotype composition and diversity in populations of the pathogen from Alberta and throughout Canada, and have initiated work on molecular changes induced in susceptible canola genotypes in response to infection. In addition, we have started field research aimed at developing an integrated management strategy for control of clubroot on canola. This latter component of the work is closely related to a third area of recent interest, the development of integrated management strategies for dealing with root diseases of field crops in general. In order to strengthen and complement our research capabilities, I have established collaborations with a number of researchers at this University and at other institutions, both at the provincial and national level.


AFNS 582 - Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops

Diseases of cereal, oilseed, pulse, forage, vegetable, fruit, and ornamental crops. Normally offered in alternate years. Not to be taken if credit received for PL SC 481. Prerequisite: PL SC 380 or consent of instructor.

PL SC 400 - Individual Study

Project or reading course supervised by a Faculty member, requiring preparation of a comprehensive report. Prerequisites: 60 units of university courses or higher and consent of the instructor. Note: may be taken more than once if topic is different.

PL SC 481 - Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops

Diseases of cereal, oilseed, pulse, forage, vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops. Normally offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: PL SC 380.

Browse more courses taught by Stephen Strelkov

Featured Publications

Rennie, D.C., Manolii, V.P., Cao, T., Hwang, S.F., Howard, R.J., and Strelkov, S.E.

Plant Pathol.. 2011 January; 60

Hwang, S.F., Ahmed, H.U., Q. Zhou, Strelkov, S.E., Gossen, B.D., Peng, G., and Turnbull, G.D.

Plant Pathol.. 2011 January; 60

Strelkov, S.E., Hwang, S.F., Howard, R.J., Hartman, M., and Turkington, T.K. 2011

Prairie Soils and Crops,. 2011 January; 4

Abboukhaddour, R., Cloutier, S., Lamari, L., and Strelkov, S.E.

Can. J. Plant Pathol.. 2011 January; 33

Bouras, N., and Strelkov, S.E.

Can. J. Microbiol.. 2010 January; 56

Kim, Y.M., Bouras, N., Kav, N.N.V., and Strelkov, S.E.

Proteomics. 2010 January; 10

Feng, J., Hwang, R., Hwang, S.F., Strelkov, S.E., Gossen, B.D., Zhou, Q.X., and Peng, G.

Mol. Plant Pathol.. 2010 January; 11

Lamari, L., and Strelkov, S.E.

Can. J. Plant Pathol.. 2010 January; 32

Cao, T., Kim, Y.M., Kav, N.N.V., and Strelkov, S.E.

Proteomics. 2009 January; 9

Cao, T., Kim, Y.M., Kav, N.N.V., and Strelkov, S.E.

Proteomics. 2009 January; 9

Pedras, M.S.C., Zheng, Q., and Strelkov, S.E.

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008 January; 56

Amaike, S., Ozga, J.A., Basu, U., and Strelkov, S.E.

Plant Pathol.. 2008 January; 57

Bouras, N., and Strelkov, S.E.

Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol.. 2008 January; 72

Holtz, M.D., Chang, K.F., Hwang, S.F., Gossen, B.D., and Strelkov, S.E.

Can. J. Plant Pathol.. 33

Bouras, N., Kim, Y.M., and Strelkov, S.E.

Int. J. Food Microbiol..

Liang, Y., Strelkov, S.E., and Kav, N.N.V.
