Megan Strickfaden, PhD

Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Human Ecology Dept

Pronouns: she, her, hers


Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Human Ecology Dept
326 Human Ecology Building
8905 - 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2N1


Area of Study / Keywords

Creativity Design Studies Design Methods & Processes Engineering Design Human-centred Designing


I am a design anthropologist who focuses on complicated problem solving through design environments and products for older adults, caregivers, and persons with disabilities. I have carried out extensive anthropological research and fieldwork in the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Canada and China but have interests in other places as well. My areas of specific concern cover, but are not confined to, unpacking challenging problems such as designing specialized systems and networks with many stakeholders. I am interested in understand human-object and human-environment relations, especially within the context of challenging social issues. 

I have taught and done research at MacEwan University (Edmonton), Edinburgh Napier University (Scotland), Edinburgh College of Art: The University of Edinburgh (Scotland), KU Leuven (Belgium), University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign (USA), Auburn University (USA), Hasselt University (Belgium), Queensland University of Technology (Australia), and Donghua University (Shanghai). I hold a PhD in Design Studies, Arts & Social Sciences from Edinburgh Napier University, an Engineering Diploma in Design Research from Danmarks Tekniske Universitet and an MDes in Industrial Design from the University of Alberta. Since 2009, I have been at the department of Human Ecology and I currently hold a position as an adjunct professor in the School of Fashion & Art Design, Donghua University (Shanghai China). I have received <50 grants and awards for research, fellowship, teaching, travel, and designing. Recently I was awarded with ALES Teacher of the Year (2013, 2015), the Award of Excellence in Education, Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities, Government of Alberta (2016), the University of Alberta Great Supervisor Award (2018) and the University of Alberta McCalla Professorship (2020/21). 


For further information about my research, publications, teaching interests, and graduate supervision opportunities please see my Website, Linkedin, Facebook, Vimeo, Instagram and Research on Aging, Policies and Practice.


HECOL 250 Design Studies and Practice

HECOL 469/569 Material Culture in Practice

HECOL 661 Perspectives on Material Culture & Design Studies

disAbility Mundus doctoral school-ALTER European Society for Disability Research (annually in the summer in various European locations) 

Current Students

Lara Pinchbeck (PhD) Designing with/for Invisible disAbilities

Jessica Kennedy (MA) Slow Fashion

Malcolm Stielow (MA) Making of Craft

Jill Thomson (MA) Documenting Urban Gardening and Neighborhoods

Alexis De Villa (MA) Deconstructing Collaborative Design Practices

Orsolya Welch (MA) Care Design

Completed Students

William Semple (PhD 2020) Decolonizing Architecture: Stories from the Canadian North-Supervised with Gavin Renwick 

Carlos Fiorentino (PhD 2020) StrC-Rich Prospect Taxonomy on Structural Design: A Tool for Research to Connect Scientific Knowledge on Nature and Biomimetic Design Innovation-Supervised with Anne Bissonnette

Hui (Tori) Ren (PhD 2020) Architectural Lifeworld: Exploring Meanings of Spatial Environments for Residents in Dementia Care-Supervised with Janet Fast

Vanessa Zembal (MA 2018) Living in a Winter City: Exploring Materiality, Design, Planning, & Governance in the Resurgence of Winter City Planning-Supervised with Kristof van Assche

Adolfo Ruiz (PhD 2018) Tracing Memories: Collaborative Research in the Tilcho Region-Supervised with Gavin Renwick

Linda Marie Johnson (MA 2018) Cultivating Home: Our Home for all Ages and Stages of Life

Sandra Tullio-Pow (PhD 2016) Mapping the Clothing Taskscape: Apparel Needs in Rehabilitation Therapy

Janice Rieger (PhD 2016) Doing Dis/ordered Mapping/s: Embodying Disability in the Museum Environment

Nicole Gaudet (MSc 2015) Dementia Care by Design

Lara Pinchbeck (MA 2014) With Disabilities, Living

Sihong Yu (MSc 2013) Design & Evaluation of Workwear for Protection Against Steam & Hot Water

Indu Sunder (MA 2013) Evaluation & Testing of Seams on Clothing Designed for the Protection against Steam Burns

Afrin Biswas (MA 2013) Characterization of Disability within the Design Process

Lesley Stafiniak (MA 2013) How Inspirational Sources are Adapted Towards Surface Designs

External Committee Member

Cliff Shin (PhD in progress) Interdependence Between Complexity and Longevity through the Lens of a Designer: Complexity is the New Simplicity, Supervised by Stan Reucker, School of Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)

Pat Siferd (PhD in progress) A Biography of Lady Charlotte Schreiber: A Fan Collector and her "collection of small rubbish", Supervised by Julia Petrov, Human Ecology, University of Alberta (Canada)

Alison A. Grittner (PhD in progress) Co-Creating Spatial Justice with Canadian Sex Workers: A Feminist Design Ethnography of Sex Workplaces in Calgary, AB-Supervised by Christine Walsh Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary (Canada)

Gnanaharsha Beligatumulle (PhD 2020) A Phenomenographic Study of Design Thinking Pedagogy in the Higher Education Context-Supervised by Janice Rieger, Queensland University of Technology (Australia)

Naureen Mumtaz (PhD 2019) Towards a Pedagogy of Intercultural Understanding: Participatory Design Research with Urban Indigenous and Newcomer Immigrant Youth-Supervised by Diane Conrad, Department of Art & Design and Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta (Canada)

Elke Ielegems (PhD 2018) Designers’ Knowledge Building in (Universal) Design Processes-Supervised by Jasmien Herssens & Jan Vanrie, Hasselt University (Belgium)

Jori De Coster (PhD 2017) Disability as an Emerging Global Identity: Challenges and Opportunities to Enable the Future-Supervised by Patrick Devlieger, KU Leuven (Belgium)

Sheila Schneider (MFA 2014) Exploring Inclusion and Accessibility: The Design Process as a User/Expert-Supervised by Kevin Reader & Deana McDonagh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)


HECOL 250 - Design Studies and Practices

Explores the production of designed things as material culture from a human ecological perspective. Theories and practices of object production focus on design processes including visualization, communication, inspiration/influence, and interface in the context of two-and three-dimensional design. Students learn theories during lectures and apply these in hands-on design projects in the studio.

HECOL 469 - Material Culture in Practice

Explores how human ecological and material culture approaches contribute to the analysis of a range of contemporary issues in design practice. Prerequisite: 60 units.

HECOL 569 - Material Culture in Practice

Explores how human ecological and material culture approaches contribute to the analysis of a range of contemporary issues in design practice. Not to be taken if credit received for HECOL 469.

HECOL 661 - Perspectives on Material Culture and Design Studies

A critical analysis of specific issues, theories, and perspectives that influence material culture and design studies, as fields of research and practice. This course looks into designed things, from clothing to urban environments, and is focused on supporting students as they explore issues and develop theories connected to their research.

HECOL 672 - Topics in Material Culture

Topics of current interest in Material Culture studies. May be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

Browse more courses taught by Megan Strickfaden

Scholarly Activities

Research - Brain Games - Illustrated Film (2018)

Co-created inter-generationally with residents living at Copper Sky, researched by Dr. Strickfaden and her team at the University of Alberta, and funded by AGE-WELL, this film shows four techniques using household objects to help people rehabilitate from a stroke.

Brain Games

Research - Dementia Care by Design - Ethnographic Film (2015)

This 33 minute film documents de Hogweyk village in Weesp, the Netherlands. It is directed and produced by Nicole Gaudet and Megan Strickfaden. Should you wish to view the complete film please contact me.

Dementia Care by Design

Research - Farm in the City - Illustrated Film (2018)

Co-created inter-generationally with residents living at the Ashbourne, researched by Dr. Strickfaden and her team at the University of Alberta, and funded by AGE-WELL, this film shows the power of individual history for people with moderate dementia.

Farm in the City

Research - Light in the Borderlands - Ethnographic Film (2012)

This short film is filmed by three people who are legally blind. It highlights urban interior spaces showing various perspectives on what it's like to be blind. Directed and produced by Adolfo Ruiz and Megan Strickfaden.

Light in the Borderlands

Research - Musical Notes - Illustrated Film (2018)

Co-created inter-generationally with residents living at Copper Sky, researched by Dr. Strickfaden and her team at the University of Alberta, and funded by AGE-WELL, this film shows the power of music for people with profound dementia.

Musical Notes

Research - Reader's Hoard - Illustrated Film (2018)

Co-created inter-generationally with residents living at the Ashbourne, researched by Dr. Strickfaden and her team at the University of Alberta, and funded by AGE-WELL, this film shows the challenges of life transitions and how having access to the right resources makes all the difference.

Reader's Hoard

Research - The Necklace - Illustrated Film (2018)

Co-created inter-generationally with residents living at the Ashbourne, researched by Dr. Strickfaden and her team at the University of Alberta, and funded by AGE-WELL, this film shows how objects act as mediative devices and can help people with socialization.

The Necklace

Featured Publications

Thomas, J. & Strickfaden, M.

In Chung, W. & Shin, C.S. (Eds) AHFE 2018, AISC 790, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019_. 2019 January;

Mosca, E., Herssens, J., Rebecchi, A., Strickfaden, M. & Capolongo, S.

In Di Bucchianico, G. (Ed): AHFE 2018, AISC 776, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019_. 2019 January;

Strickfaden, M.

Design Community, Special Issue on Rehabilitation and Aging Environments in Western Canada.. 2018 January; 086 (04):46-71

Strickfaden, M. & Langdon, P.

In Langdon, P., Lazar, J., Heylighen, A. & Dong, H. (Eds) Breaking down barriers: Usability, Accessibility and Inclusive Design.. 2018 January; Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Ren, H. & Strickfaden, M.

Open Journal of Social Sciences. 2018 January; 6

Strickfaden, M.

In Rethinking Disability: World Perspectives in Culture and Society. Garant Publishers. Antwerpen Belgium. 2017 January;

Thomas, J. & Strickfaden, M.

Innovation: Quarterly of the Industrial Designers Society of America. Special Edition on Women in Design-Friction, Pioneers, Swainson.. 2016 January; Spring

Ruiz, A. & Strickfaden, M.

In Rethinking Disability: World Perspectives in Culture and Society. Garant Publishers. Antwerpen Belgium.. 2016 January;

Rieger, J. & Strickfaden, M.

Societies. 2016 January; 6

Devlieger, P., Miranda-Galarza, B., Brown, S. & Strickfaden, M.

Garant Publishers. Antwerpen, Belgium.. 2016 January;

Strickfaden, M. & Brown, S.

In Rethinking Disability: World Perspectives in Culture and Society. Garant Publishers. Antwerpen Belgium. 2016 January;

Ruiz, A. & Strickfaden, M.

Societies. 2015 January; 5

Strickfaden, M., Stafiniak, L. & Terzin, T.

Clothing & Textiles Research Journal, Special Edition on Creativity and Design Process.. 2015 January; 33 (3):213-228

Terzin, T. & Strickfaden, M.

Zygote Quarterly issue 10 (ZQ10). 2014 January; 3

Strickfaden, M. & Vildieu, A.

Journal of Aesthetic Education (JAE).. 2014 January; 48 (2):105-122

Titley, W., MacDonald, J., & Strickfaden, M.

International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design. 2013 January; 6 (4):19-31

Devlieger, P., & Strickfaden, M.

Space and Culture. 2012 January; 15

Heylighen, A. & Strickfaden, M.

Space and Culture. 2012 January; 15

Strickfaden, M., & Devlieger, P.

The Design Journal. Special Edition on ‘Design Empathy'. 2011 January; 14 (2):207-229

McDonagh, D., Thomas, J., & Strickfaden, M.

Design Principles and Practices: An International Design Journal.. 2011 January; 5 (4):301-314

Strickfaden, M., & Heylighen A.

International Journal of Art & Design Education (iJade). 2010 January; 29 (2):121-133

Strickfaden, M. & Heylighen A.

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM). 2010 January; 24 (3):357-366

Strickfaden, M., Devlieger, P. & Heylighen, A.

Design Connexity. 2009 January;

Heylighen, A., Devlieger, P. & Strickfaden, M.

Communicating (by) Design. 2009 January;

Vermeersch, P.W., Strickfaden, M., Herssens, J. & Heylighen, A.

DS 58-10: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design. 2009 January; 10 (Design Education and Lifelong Learning)

Strickfaden, M., Heylighen, A., Rodgers, P., & Neuckermans, H.

CoDesign. 2006 January; 2 (2):97-107

Jones, T., Strickfaden, M., & Kumar, S.

Applied Ergonomics. 2005 January; 36 (5):535-545

Strickfaden, M., Heylighen, A., Rodgers, P., & Neuckermans, H.

Crossing Design Boundaries. 2005 January;

Strickfaden, M. & Rodgers, P.

The Design Journal,. 2004 January; 7 (1):3-15

Strickfaden, M., & Vildieu, M.


Xu, Y., McQueen, R., Strickfaden, M., Aslund, A., & Batcheller, J.

The Journal of the Textile Institute.

Strickfaden, M., & Devlieger, P.

Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness.

Strickfaden, M. & Heylighen, A.
