Tonya Simpson, MA Anthropology

Faculty Service Officer, Faculty of Arts - Anthropology Dept


Faculty Service Officer, Faculty of Arts - Anthropology Dept


Area of Study / Keywords

Forensic Anthropology Skeletal Trauma Ancestry


ANTHR 386 - Topics in Biological Anthropology or Archaeology

Consult the Department for the specific topics offered and any recommended courses to be completed prior to registering.

ANTHR 484 - Topics in Archaeology and/or Biological Anthropology

Consult the Department for the specific topics offered and any recommended courses to be completed prior to registering.

ANTHR 494 - Forensic Anthropology

Human skeletal individualization and its application to human death investigation. Prerequisite: ANTHR 390 or consent of Department.

ANTHR 571 - Advanced Readings in Anthropology

Individual research project conducted under the direction of a Department faculty member. Closed to web registration. Department consent required.

ANTHR 584 - Advanced Topics in Archaeology and/or Biological Anthropology

Consult the Department and/or the schedule of classes for the specific topics offered.

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