Taofiki Okunola
Grad Teaching Assistantship, Faculty of Arts - Political Science Dept
- taofiki@ualberta.ca
Scholarly Activities
Teaching - POL S 235 - Introduction to Comparative Politics
2023-01-05 to 2023-04-12
Examines the concepts and approaches used to compare political issues across countries and regions. Not to be taken by students with credit in POL S 230 or 240. Prerequisite: POL S 101 or consent of Department.
Teaching - POL S 326 - Canadian Health Politics
2023-09-05 to 2023-12-08
Examines major health care issues and the interaction of the key ideas, institutions and interests that shape the Canadian health care system. Prerequisite: One of POL S 224, 225 (or 220) or Department consent.
Teaching - POL S 332 - Introduction to United States Politics and Government
2022-09-01 to 2022-12-08
The actors, institutions, and processes of American politics and governance, and the forces that influence them. Prerequisite: Any of the 200-level POL S core courses or consent of Department.
Teaching - POL S 359 - Politics of Nationalism and Ethnicity
2023-01-05 to 2023-04-12
2022-01-06 to 2022-04-07
This course provides an introduction to the ideas, institutions, and forces which are shaping the new international political economy. It examines the politics of trading blocks such as NAFTA and the EU, North-South relations, and the interactions of markets and states in the global economy. Prerequisite: One of POL S 235, 261 (or 230, 240, or 260) or Department consent.