Volker Runde
Professor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
- vrunde@ualberta.ca
Functional Analysis & Abstract Harmonic Analysis
MATH 146 - Calculus for the Mathematical and Physical Sciences II
Techniques and applications of integration. Improper integrals. Introduction to differential equations. Partial differentiation. Applications in the context of the physical sciences. Prerequisite: One of MATH 100, 113, 114, 117, 134, 144 or 154. Note: Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 101, 115, 118, 136, 146, 156 or SCI 100.
MATH 506 - Complex Variables
A review and some extensions of single variable complex analysis. Complex linearity and holomorphicity in several variables, Hartog's theorem, Weierstrass preparation theorem, Riemann extension theorem, Weierstrass division theorem, analytic Nullstellensatz, implicit and inverse function theorems, complex manifolds and analytic subvarieties, meromorphic maps. Prerequisite: MATH 411.