Lesly Wade-Woolley, BA, MA, PhD
Assoc Dean - Graduate Studies, Faculty of Education - Deans Office
- wadewool@ualberta.ca
At U Alberta since July 2019. Formerly at Queen's University in the Faculty of Education, and at the University of South Carolina in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Past president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading.
Spinner, weaver, aficionado of murder mysteries.
Research interests include:
- Reading development and reading disorders.
- Language bases of literacy development, with a special interest in prosody, or speech rhythm.
- Developmental language disorder and its relationship with co-occurring reading disorders.
- Professional development of teachers around reading and writing.
- Science communication.
EDPY 580 - Reading Comprehension Difficulties: From Assessment to Intervention
This course focuses on current theories of reading comprehension, and the cognitive and language underpinnings of reading comprehension difficulties. Restricted to course-based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 580 is the 5th course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite: EDPY 577.
EDU 595 - Special Topics in Educational Theory and Practice
Content varies from term to term. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries title descriptive of content. May be repeated. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment, refer to the Fees Payment Guide in the University Regulations and Information for Students section of the Calendar.
EDU 595B - Special Topics in Educational Theory and Practice
Content varies from term to term. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries title descriptive of content. May be repeated. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment, refer to the Fees Payment Guide in the University Regulations and Information for Students section of the Calendar.
Featured Publications
Wade-Woolley, L., Wood, C., Chan, J. S., & Weidman, S.
Scientific Studies of Reading. 2021 October; 10.1080/10888438.2021.1995390
Heggie, L. & Wade-Woolley, L.
Reading Psychology. 2018 January; 39 10.1080/02702711.2017.1413021
Heggie, L. & Wade-Woolley, L.
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. 2017 January; 2 10.1044/persp2.SIG1.86
Wade-Woolley, L.
Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal,. 2016 January; 29 10.1007/s11145-015-9600-1
The contributions of prosodic and phonological awareness to reading: A review.
Wade-Woolley, L. & Heggie, L.
In J. Thomson & L. Jarmulowicz (Eds.) Linguistic Rhythm and Literacy. John Benjamins Publishers: New York.. 2016 January;
Wade-Woolley, L. & Heggie, L.
Scientific Studies of Reading. 2015 January; 19 10.1080/10888438.2014.947647