William Dunn

Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept
Graduate Coordinator, Faculty of Education - Deans Office


Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept
(780) 492-7453
Education Centre - South
11210 - 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5

Graduate Coordinator, Faculty of Education - Deans Office



Dr. William Dunn is a Professor in the area of second language education. He received his PhD from Cornell University in 2002. His research investigates connections between language learning and social inclusiveness. For example, he has studied forms of marginalization experienced by language learners, as well as ways in which learners gain a sense of belonging in a second language community. His related work in the area of teacher education explores ways in which future teachers can foster intercultural inquiry and promote social justice and inclusiveness through language teaching. Prior to coming to the University of Alberta, Dr. Dunn was a teacher educator and ESL Coordinator at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He has taught English as a second language in Canada and the United States, and French as a second language in the United States. Dr. Dunn received the Faculty of Education Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Use of Technology for Teaching and Learning in 2014 (with Denyse Hayward and Amanda Montgomery). 


Recent Funded Projects 

Dunn, W., Glanfield, F., & Ritter, B. (2014-2015). Curriculum development prototyping. Alberta Ministry of Education Program Evaluation Research. $277,870.

Language and inclusion: Social interaction between international and domestic university students, SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 2006-2009, $71,455. Co-Investigator: Claude Olivier, King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario.

Promoting the Pursuit of Intercultural Competence Among Pre-Service Teachers, Prairie Metropolis Centre, 2005-2007, $17,221. Co-investigators: Anna Kirova & Miriam Cooley, Department of Elementary Education, University of Alberta.

Meeting Low Proficiency English as a Second Language Learners’ English Language Needs, Faculty of Education Field Experiences Project, 2008-2009, $6,000. Principal Investigator: Marilyn Abbott, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta.


Courses Taught

EDSE 307: Language, Literacy and Society in Educational Contexts
EDSE 368: Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Second Language Minors
EDSE 451: Integrating Theory and Practice in the Advanced Professional Term
EDSE 468: Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Second Language I
EDSE 469: Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Second Language II
EDSE 501: Theory and Practice of Task-Based Language Learning
EDSE 501: Innovative Practice in Second Language Education
EDSE 568: Critical Examination of Approaches to Teaching Second Languages

Course Coordination

EDU 100/300: Contexts of Education, 2015 to present

Providing course leadership for approximately 700 students per year taught by a team of approximately 15 instructors in more than twenty course sections per year.

EDSE 307: Language, Literacy and Society in Educational Contexts, 2011-2016

Providing course leadership for approximately 350 students per year taught by a team of approximately 7 instructors in 4 sections and 12 seminars per year.


EDEL 599 - Capstone Exercise

The required capping exercise for the course-based MEd program will consist of a presentation based on one piece of work that students select from their course assignments completed during the MEd program. The piece of work and type of presentation is chosen in consultation with their advisor according to departmental guidelines. Students will register in this course in the final term of their coursework.

Browse more courses taught by William Dunn

Scholarly Activities

Research - Recent Publications

Chapters in Books

Shyyan, V., Dunn, W., & Cammarata, L. (2014). Developing intercultural understanding in teacher education within the context of language and literacy across the curriculum. In S. Ben Said & L. Zhang (Eds.), Language teachers and teaching: Global perspectives, local initiatives (pp. 271-287). New York: Routledge.

Dunn, W. (2011). Working toward social inclusion through concept development in second language teacher education. In K. Johnson & P. Golombek (Eds.), Research on second language teacher education: A sociocultural perspective on professional development (pp. 50-64). New York: Routledge.

Papers in Refereed Journals

Montgomery, A. P., Hayward, D. V., Dunn, W., Carbonaro, M., & Amrhein, C. (2015). Blending for student engagement: Lessons learned for MOOCs and beyond. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31, 657-670.

Abbott, M., Dunn, W., & Aberdeen, T. (2012). A boundary-spanning ESL teacher education project: Connecting campus learning to in-service teacher needs. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 13(2), 3-16.

Ogilvie, G., & Dunn, W. (2010). Taking teacher education to task: Exploring the role of teacher education in promoting the utilization of task-based language teaching. Language Teaching Research, 14, 161-181.

Ogilvie, G., & Dunn, W. (2010). Exploring alternative practices in second language education. Notos, 10(1), 13-18.

Dunn, W., Kirova, A., Cooley, M., & Ogilvie, G. (2009). Fostering intercultural inquiry in subject-area curriculum courses. Canadian Journal of Education, 32, 533-557.

Papers in Non-Refereed Journals

Dunn, W., & Olivier, C. (2011). Creating welcoming and inclusive university communities. Canadian Diversity, 8(5), 35-38.

Government Reports

Dunn, W., et al. (2015). Curriculum development prototyping: Final report to Alberta Education. 



Dunn, W. (2014, April). Literacy for imaginative thinking and creative expression. Keynote paper presented at the meeting of the New Brunswick Association of Teachers of English as a Second Language, Fredericton, NB. 

Dunn, W. (2014, April). Aiming for cognitive challenge in second language literacy education. Workshop presented at the meeting of the New Brunswick Association of Teachers of English as a Second Language, Fredericton, NB. 

Dunn, W. (2013, November). Using blended learning to customize education in a diverse classroom. Paper presented at the Blended Learning Conference at King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Olivier, C., & Dunn, W. (2012, March). Creating welcoming and inclusive university communities: Interaction between international and domestic students. Paper presented at the Faculty Seminar of King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario, London, ON.


Dunn, W. (2016, March). Focusing on form in task-based language teaching. Workshop presented for teachers in the English Language School of the Faculty of Extension at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Dunn, W. (2016, March). Exploring the value of task-based language teaching from a teacher’s perspective. Workshop presented for teachers in the English Language School of the Faculty of Extension at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Dunn, W. (2015, October). Expanding the notion of ‘task’ in second language teaching and learning. Workshop presented for the Calgary Regional Learning Consortium, Calgary, AB.

Dunn, W. (2015, May). Doing more with second language tasks. Workshop presented for the Calgary Regional Learning Consortium, Calgary, AB.

Dunn, W. (2015, February). Task-based language learning and cross-curricular competencies. Paper presented at the Second Languages Professional Development Day sponsored by Edmonton Public Schools, Edmonton, AB.

Dunn, W. (2014, November). Intersection ahead: Task-based language teaching as a framework for developing cross-curricular competencies. Keynote paper presented at the meeting of the Second Languages and Intercultural Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Edmonton, AB.

Dunn, W. (2012, October). Doing and knowing in second language classrooms. Keynote paper presented at the meeting of the Second Languages and Intercultural Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Edmonton, AB. 

Dunn, W. (2011, October). Making room for imagination in the age of functional authenticity. Keynote paper presented at the meeting of the Second Languages and Intercultural Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Canmore, AB. 



Dunn, W., Carbonaro, M., Hayward, D., & Montgomery, A. (2015, November). Lessons from blended learning spaces on student engagement. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies, Santa Cruz, CA.

Montgomery, A., Hayward, D., Dunn, W., & Carbonaro, M. (2015, October). Pedagogy, digital learning spaces, and design: Lessons from blended learning. Paper presented at the E-Learn World Conference on E-Learning, October 2015, Kona, HI.

Dunn, W. (2015, September). Making tasks do more: Addressing broader educational aims in task-based language teaching. Paper presented at the International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Leuven, Belgium.

Dunn, W. (2015, May). Every teacher a language teacher: What are the implications for language teacher educators? Paper presented at the International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Minneapolis, MN.

Carbonaro, M., Montgomery, A., Dunn, W., Hayward, D., & Amrheim, C. (2014, July). Blending learning as a scaffold to MOOCs: Institutional transformation. Paper presented at Twenty-first International Conference on Learning, New York, NY.

Montgomery, A. P., Hayward, D. V., Dunn, W., & Carbonaro, M. (2014, April). Blending for student engagement. Paper presented at the Emerging Technologies for Online Learning International Symposium, Dallas, TX.

Christensen, L., Shyyan, V., Brown, K., & Dunn, W. (2014, March). Does intercultural education really matter in teacher education? Paper presented at the meeting of TESOL International Association, Portland, OR.

Dunn, W. (2014, January). Using a flipped classroom format to customize learning in teacher education. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu HI.

Carbonaro, M., Montgomery, A., Dunn, W., Hayward, D. & Amrhein, C. (2013, October). Harmonizing the MOOC with the lessons of blended learning. Paper presented at the Beijing Forum, Beijing, China.

Olivier, C., & Dunn, W. (2013, June). Theatre workshops as a group format for promoting intercultural understanding. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Association for Social Work with Groups, Boston, MA.

Shyyan, V., & Dunn, W. (2012, April). Preparing future teachers to develop intercultural competence across the curriculum. Paper presented at the meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Dunn, W., & Shyyan, V. (2012, January). Developing intercultural understanding in teacher education within the context of language and literacy across the curriculum. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.


Dunn, W., & Shyyan, V. (2013, February). Promoting interdisciplinary approaches to language, literacy and culture within teacher education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching, Prince George, BC.

Dunn, W. (2011, June). Implementing a collaborative, inquiry-based model in second language teacher education. Paper presented at the Teacher Education Symposium of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, Fredericton, NB.

Olivier, C., & Dunn, W. (2011, June). Using theatre to promote intercultural dialogue and social inclusiveness. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education, Fredericton, NB.

Olivier, C., Dunn, W., & Perry, D. (2010, November). Performing research findings: Using theatre to promote cross-cultural interaction. Paper presented at the Social Work Research Day of King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Olivier, C., & Dunn, W. (2010, May). Working toward inclusive university communities: Structural factors that influence cross-cultural interaction. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education, Montreal, QC.


Shyyan, V., & Dunn, W. (2011, October). Intercultural competence and interpersonal connections in the language classroom. Paper presented at the meeting of the Second Languages and Intercultural Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Canmore, AB.

Dunn, W. (2011, February). Communicating with a purpose. Paper presented at the Second Languages Professional Development Day sponsored by Edmonton Public Schools, Edmonton, AB.