Yafei Wang

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences


STAT 432 - Survival Analysis

Survival models, model estimation from complete and incomplete data samples, parametric survival models with concomitant variables, estimation of life tables from general population data. Prerequisites: STAT 372 and 378.

STAT 532 - Survival Analysis

Survival and hazard functions, censoring, truncation. Non-parametric, parametric and semi-parametric approaches to survival analysis including Kaplan-Meier estimation and Cox's proportional hazards model. Prerequisite: STAT 372 or consent of Department.

STAT 537 - Statistical Methods for Applied Research II

Review of basic statistical concepts of inference and probability theory. Includes applied methods of Linear and non-linear regression and analysis of variance for designed experiments, multiple comparisons, correlations, modeling and variable selection, multicollinearity, predictions, confounding and Simpson's paradox. Includes case studies and real data applications. Each researcher works on a project to present, highlighting the methods used in the project. Prerequisite: STAT 437 equivalent or consent of the instructor.

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