Search Results

Name Title Department Phone Location
Berg, Michelle Senior Lead - Executive Education Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7802880568 2-37 Business Building
Bird, Andrew Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Cheng, Xiao Dir, Analysis and Admissions Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804923512 2-29C Business Building
Collins-Nakai, Ruth Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Coronado Herrera, Silvana Academic Services Advisor Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804925162 5-22 Business Building
David, Jausont Student Rec/Admissions Clk Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Doucette, Taylor Program Coordinator Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804925982 2-30D Business Building
Durocher, Rachelle Admissions Coordinator Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 2-36 Business Building
Ferrey, Samuel Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Funke, Lee Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Gagnon, Jessica Program Coordinator Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 5-30 Business Building
Gonzales, Johoanne Program Advisor Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Hao, Lingyi Program Advisor, China Program Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Hu, Vivian ​Operation & Data Analyst Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804928838 2-35 Business Building
Ji, Yan Senior Lead, China Programs Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804927445 2-38 Business Building
Jiang, Miao Administrative Coordinator Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Jones, Krystil Program Advisor Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Kaushal, Aileen Director FT & PT MBA Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804924512 2-30 Business Building
Lynch, Chris Sr Dir, Recruit, Admiss, Mktg Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804925877 2-30 Business Building
MacKinnon, Stacy Executive Assistant Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Maier, Michael Associate Dean MBA Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
McManus, Chris Coordinator - MBA Program Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804923947 5-30 Business Building
Mecwan, Roveena Program Development Co-ordinator Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Pho, John Academic Services Advisor Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804929766 5-22 Business Building
Rypien, Michelle Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Urban, Christy Director, Executive Education Alberta School of Business - MBA Office 7804924932 2-37  Business Building
Whelton, Shay Academic Services Advisor Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Zhang, Mila Course Assistant Alberta School of Business - MBA Office
Zwack, Ashley Program Coordinator Alberta School of Business - MBA Office