Andreas Hamann

Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
Director Academic & Communicat, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept


Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
(780) 492-6429
733 General Services Building
9007 - 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H1

Director Academic & Communicat, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept



My primary research fields are global change biology, genetics, and climate change adaptation with applications in forest ecology and management. I ask: How are tree species and their populations adapted to the environments in which they occur? How is the growth and health of natural tree populations and planted forests affected by climate change? How should we manage our forest resources under changing environments?

Graduate students and staff in my lab work on climate change adaptation strategies for the forestry sector, ecological and conservation genetics, forest growth, tree improvement, dendrochronology, ecophysiology, and phenology of tree species in boreal, temperate and tropical ecosystems (research). We further maintain GIS and climate databases for North America, South America and Europe (data).


Opportunities for Graduate Students, Postdocs & Research Associates

If you are interested in joining the research group as graduate student, postdoc or research associate, see these opportunities and positions.


REN R 690 - Multivariate Statistics and Machine Learning for the Environmental Sciences

Covers methods for visualization, analysis and prediction for complex biological or environmental data. Includes classical and modern approaches to ordination and classification, analysis of multivariate relationships, and the application of deep neural networks and other machine learning tools for prediction. Participants engage in problem-based learning by analyzing data from their thesis research project. Students without a suitable dataset should enroll in two or more 1 unit REN R 58X courses instead. Prerequisite: 3 units introductory statistics recommended.

REN R 906B - Research Project

The final research project that comprises REN R 906 is a final capping exercise for the degrees of MAg and MF. Its practical and professional focus should integrate the core areas of study in the program. The successful completion of the project entails (1) a research topic approved by the supervisor; (2) the presentation of a draft research proposal; and (3) the presentation of the research as a written document to the supervisor. The project may take the form of any of the following: (1) a formal analysis of management practice, organizational processes or policy; (2) a formative or summative evaluation of a research project or program; (3) a case study, using secondary documents, survey data, or interviews; or (4) replication of a previous study, with either the introduction of a new variable or an analysis in a changed context.

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