Bonnie Stelmach, PhD, MA, BEd
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Personal Website:
Professor, Faculty of Education
- Phone
- (780) 492-9890
- Address
7-145 Education Centre - North
8730 - 112 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2G5
Area of Study / Keywords
K-12 Education Rural Education Rural School Innovation Parent Involvement School Leadership Qualitative Research
I am proud to be a Professor in the Studies in Educational Leadership program in the Faculty of Education. I completed my doctorate in Educational Administration and Leadership in Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta (focus on parents' roles in school improvement), and a Master of Arts in Educational Philosophy (focus on moral education) at Simon Fraser University. My undergraduate degree is in Secondary Education, also from the U of A. I have taught in rural and northern Alberta, as well as at an international school in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Previous to joining the academic community, I served as district coordinator of the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI). That three-year project directly influenced my decision to study secondary parents’ conceptualizations of their role in school improvement to earn a doctorate. My research has evolved to explore parents' sense of community with their children's schools, and I am particularly interested in rural schools. My current research interest is in rural school innovation, and issues unique to rural schools. I live in rural Alberta, and I love it there.
I started my career in the College of Education, Department of Educational Administration at the University of Saskatchewan. I spent 7 years in Saskatoon, and it holds a special place in my heart - a wonderful community of scholars, teachers, and community members! Saskatchewan has deep roots in rural life, and this aligned with my research interests.
I am a qualitative researcher. This means I do not crunch numbers to prove causation between variables. In other words, I do not attempt to prove whether a reading program will increase students' grades or impact their results on Provincial Achievement Tests or Diploma Exams. I study the experiences of students, teachers, parents, and communities. In the particularity of story, we gain universal insights into the human experience.
Current Research
My current research focuses on rural school innovation. Using a community-based research philosophy, I have partnered with New Humble Community School, a K-9 publicly funded charter school with an experiential learning and land stewardship philosophy, with a focus on agricultural literacy as the means to teach Alberta Curriculum. Our partnership has been developing since January 2022, starting with a community dinner called Growing Together. The dinner was sponsored by a KIAS Dialogue Grant and afforded us an evening in which we engaged parents, teachers, and community members in a discussion to determine research interests and needs for New Humble Community School.
Based on the community's feedback, our partnership was successful in securing a research grant through Alberta Education's Research Partnership Program. Our project, School is Such a Chore! Agriculture as a Lens for Enhancing Learning and Life Skills is an intrinsic case study but we have committed to building research capacity in keeping with a community-based approach. Our funded study explores how an agricultural literacy lens can support students' curricular learning and life skills (e.g. responsibility, empathy, civility, risk-taking) development. We completed a pilot, Pepper & Triscuit Go to School: Elementary School Students' Learning With and From Animals, in March 2023 to refine the design. Following community-based principles, we created a team of Grade 5 and 6 student co-researchers who participated in interviewing K-6 students. These students will present at an academic conference, C2U Expo at MacEwan University, in May 2025. This has been a rewarding aspect of the research study for me as I have learned so much from working with these young researchers.
Data collection for "School is Such a Chore!" was completed in October 2024. We are in the analysis, interpretation, and knowledge mobilization phase. Please see the website for more information:
My Commitment to Rural Education Research and Rural Schools
Rural education is my passion. I am a proud graduate of Andrew School in Andrew Alberta, which, sadly, closed in June 2023. Rural schools are persistently marginalized because of metrocentric and urbanormative assumptions and what rural educational scholar Michael Corbett, calls the "mobility imperative" - the assumption that "success" means moving away from a rural community to pursue a professional, urban life. I know rural schools are incredibly innovative and resourceful, but the dominant narrative is one of deficit. I am committed to interrogating that and changing the narrative. Some good news is on the horizon for my alma mater: parents and community members have applied to the Education Minister to open Andrew Rural Academy, a STEM-focused public charter school.
My Research Beginnings: Parents' Roles in Schooling
My signature on the research landscape is on parents' roles in K-12 schooling, but I’ve examined parents’ roles in education at the post-secondary level as well. My research has evolved toward an examination of school “community”—a logical extension of my research about parents’ roles. In particular, In light of diversification of families, trends toward radical individualism, and boundary shifting, I have explored what makes parents feel in community in their children's schools, especially at the secondary school level where traditional parent involvement shifts.
Evolving Research and Initiatives
Owing to my rural Alberta roots, I am committed to a rural research agenda as K-12 schooling assumptions tend to metrocentric, and rural is either stereotyped and idealized or positioned in deficit mode. I am currently developing a research program that aims to shift the prevailing deficit discourse about rural schools and rural communities. In particular, I want to contribute to appreciative perspectives about rural education and rural living, something that I have been thinking about ever since Michael Corbett released the first edition of his book Learning to Leave (revised and published in 2020). Corbett argued that rural schools ultimately convey a mobility imperative, the idea that 'success' for rural students is defined in terms of getting out of their small, rural communities.
I have initiated a graduate certificate: Teacher Leadership in School-Based Agriculture. This is a four-course graduate certificate that aims to support teachers from all contexts - rural and urban - to use agricultural literacy elements (food and fiber system, geography, economy, politics, society and culture, health and wellbeing) to facilitate Alberta curriculum. Agriculture naturally engages hands-on learning focused on real-world practical problems, which makes curriculum engaging and relevant for students, and makes schooling feel purposeful.
Leadership and Educational Policy Research
In keeping with the University of Alberta's mandate, "for the public" good, working with practitioners and policymakers is my priority. In this regard, I have also been honored to collaborate with colleagues from the Universities of Calgary and Lethbridge, and Concordia University of Edmonton on research focusing on the implementation of Alberta's Professional Practice Standards as well as policy review of Alberta's Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation Policy. Additionally, I have completed research for the Alberta Teachers' Association on moral distress among school leaders, and the Alberta School Councils' Association on a project (It Takes a Virus) that examined how emergency remote teaching during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted parent-teacher relations. I completed research on rural education for the Government of Saskatchewan as a faculty member in the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan between 2006 and 2014.
"Other" Research Interests
I dabble in research regarding academic life because above all, research should help us understand the worlds in which we are immersed.
As a qualitative researcher, I enjoy teaching research methodology/methods courses. But I have created and taught graduate courses in organizational behavior, rural education, qualitative research, working with parents, and school leadership. At the undergraduate level, my teaching focus has been on legal and ethical issues for teacher candidates.
Highlights of Graduate Courses Taught/Designed, University of Alberta:
- Rural Education Issues and Advantages (EDU 550)
- Foundations of School Leadership (EDU 520)
- Evolving Concepts in Educational Administration and Leadership (EDPS 511)
- Working with Parents/Caregivers in Schools (EDPS 501)
- Research Frameworks and Qualitative Methodologies (EDPS 681)
- The Principalship (EDPS 595)
- Introduction to School Improvement (EDU 511)
- Leadership in Educational Settings (EDU 512)
- Philosophy of Teaching (EDPY 597)
- Introduction to Evaluating Educational Research (EDPS 581)
- Educational Learning and Change (EDPS 541)
Graduate Courses Taught, University of Saskatchewan:
- Parents and Educational Theory and Practice
- Introduction to Research Methods
- Qualitative Data Analysis
- Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
- Trends and Issues: Parents and Education
- Organizational Behaviour
- History and Development of Organizational Theory
- Education in Rural and Sparsely Populated Areas
- Trends and Issues: Gender Roles in Educational Administration
- Organizational Theory
- Critical Perspectives on Policy Making in Education
As Professor, mentoring graduate students is an area of teaching that gives me energy and inspiration. I have had the pleasure of working with masters and doctoral students.
In 2024 Dr. Lee Smith, my former doctoral student, received the Thomas Barr Greenfield Dissertation Award for outstanding research in Canada in the area of educational administration and leadership, sponsored by the Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration. Dr. Smith's study was called, "Tears at the Heart of Things: Moral Distress Among Principals of Canadian-Accredited Schools in China."
My current doctoral mentees are studying:
- school leaders' wellbeing
- social media and its micropolitical impact on school leaders' professional identity
- the meaning of living perpetually between
- the role of hope in educational leadership
At this point, I am not considering working with new doctoral students, but may consider expressions of interest from individuals who have identified a specific rural education topic.
Please note that the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has introduced mandatory funding for doctoral students. At this time, only applicants who are working professionals intending to pursue their doctoral studies part-time will be permitted into the program if they meet the application requirements. I do not have any funding to support new doctoral students at this time. Please contact the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for details about their mandatory funding policy.
I am also involved in creating master's and graduate certificate programs because I want to support practicing educators in their lifelong learning goals. Two new certificates are currently seeking applications from international and local teachers:
Teacher Leadership in School-Based Agriculture (4-course graduate certificate)
Leadership in International Schools (master's program)
EDPS 681 - Research Frameworks and Qualitative Methodologies
This course explores the philosophical/epistemological underpinnings of selected research frameworks as well as relevant qualitative methodologies within the specializations of the Department of Educational Policy Studies. Students may receive credit for only one of EDAL 611, EDPS 611 and EDPS 681.
EDU 520 - Theoretical and Professional Foundations of School Leadership
Using scholarly and professional research, this course focuses on foundational dimensions of school leadership. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.
EDU 550 - Rural Education Issues and Advantages
This course focuses on continuing and emerging educational issues and advantages unique to teaching and learning, and leadership and management in rural contexts. Students will have an opportunity to explore topics related to professional practice using empirical research and theoretical perspectives. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment, refer to the Fees Payment Guide in the University Regulations and Information for Students section of the Calendar.
Featured Publications
Stelmach, B., Smith, L., & O'Connor, B.
International Journal of Leadership in Education. 2021 September; Advance online publication
School Community Journal. 2021 August; 31 (1):9-40
The state of the system: A reality check on Canada's schools (book review)
Stelmach, B.
Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 2021 January; 67 (1):100-104
Pelkey, S., Stelmach, B., & Hunter, D.
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 2021 January; 196
Stelmach, B.
Alberta School Councils' Association. 2020 December;
Leadership in education: The power of generative dialogue (book review)
Stelmach, B.
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 2020 January; 193
Rural, secondary school parents’ discourses about feeling in community in their children’s schools: Insights to shape teachers’ and principals’ questions
Stelmach, B.
Rural teacher education: Connecting land and pedagogy (Editors: M. Corbett & D. Gereluk). 2020 January;
The surprisingly empty feeling of getting full: Contemplations on the contradictory nature of full professorship
Kovach, M./Stelmach, B.
Women negotiating life in the academy (Editors: S. E. Eaton & A. Burns). 2020 January;
Lesbian and gay parents' experiences and their relationships with/in schools: An Alberta study
Michaud, C., & Stelmach, B.
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 2019 January;
Parental helping with science fair projects: A case study
Bowen, M., & Stelmach, B.
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 2019 January; 20
Stelmach, B., & O'Connor, B.
Canadian Association of Principals Journal. 2019 January;
A study of teacher growth, supervision and evaluation in Alberta: Policy and perception in a collective case study
Adams, P., Mombourquette, C., Brandon, J., Hunter, D., Freisen, S., Koh, K....Stelmach, B.
Journal of Educational Supervision. 2018 January; 1 (2):1-16
From compliance to capacity building: A Canadian case study highlighting central office support for school council development
Stelmach, B.
International Studies in Educational Administration. 2018 January; 46 (3):24-46
Casting a new light on a long shadow: Saskatchewan Aboriginal high school students talk about what helps and hinders their learning
Stelmach, B., Kovach, M., & Steeves, L.
Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 2017 January; 63 (1):1-20
Issues with evidence in constructivist/interpretivist educational research.
Stelmach, B.
The best available evidence: Wise decision-making for educational improvement (Editors: P. Newton & D. Burgess). 2016 June;
Parents’ participation on school councils analysed through Arnstein’s ladder of participation.
Stelmach, B.
School Leadership & Management. 2016 January; 36 (3):271-291
School district conditions and practices that lead to school council effectiveness.
Stelmach, B.
International Journal of Social Sciences. 2012 January; 1 (2):48-70
A survey of international rural education issues and responses.
Stelmach, B.
Rural Educator. 2011 January; 32 (2):32-42
Metaphor as insight into parents’ conceptualizations of their role in school improvement
Stelmach, B.
Including families and communities in urban education (Editors: C. Hands & L. Hubbard). 2011 January;
A challenge to metrics as evidence of scholarity.
Stelmach, B., & von Wolff, S.
European Educational Research Journal. 2011 January; 10 (1):64-83
The construction of parental roles at eight Western Canadian universities.
Stelmach, B., & von Wolff, S.
The Journal of Educational Administration & Foundations (now Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy). 2010 October; 21 (1):60-83
Filling in the pieces: Interpreting “parent involvement” at the secondary level
Stelmach, B.
The leadership compendium: Emerging scholars of Canadian educational leadership (Editor: K. Anderson). 2010 January;
Stelmach, B., Parsons, J., & Frick, W. C.
Academic Matters. 2010 January;
Legal and cultural contexts of parent-teacher interactions: School councils in Canada
Brien, K., & Stelmach, B.
International Journal About Parents in Education. 2009 January; 3 (1):1-14
Research or in-search? A non-Aboriginal researcher’s retrospective of a study on Aboriginal parent involvement.
Stelmach, B.
First Nations Perspectives. 2009 January; 2 (1):35-56
Five Aboriginal mothers’ views on the role of parents in secondary school improvement
Stelmach, B.
The Journal of Educational Administration & Foundations (now Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy). 2008 January; 19 (2):1-18
High school students’ perspectives on the role of parents in school improvement.
Stelmach, B.
Journal of School Public Relations. 2006 January; 27 (1):50-83
A case study of three mothers’ experiences in the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement: Having a voice versus getting a hearing
Stelmach, B.
International Journal of Leadership in Education. 2005 January; 8 (2):167-185
Unlocking the schoolhouse doors: Institutional constraints on parent and community involvement in a school improvement initiative
Stelmach, B.
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 2004 January; 31