Christopher Mackay, PhD, AM, BA
Professor, Faculty of Arts - History, Classics, & Religion Dept
- Phone
- (780) 492-3344
- Address
2-54 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NWEdmonton ABT6G 2H4
I have a degree in Classical Philology from Harvard University (1994). What interests me most is learning new things, and I learn non-Indo-European languages as a hobby. We have too many cats. I also have an interest in graphic design, and designed the cover for the paperback edition of Breakdown of the Roman Republic.
I have a number of interests, which are all generally of a linguistic nature (mainly Latin, but also Early Modern High and Low German). I've written books on ancient history and published editions and translations of works relating to early modern witchcraft and the Anabaptist kingdom of Münster of 1534/5.
My teaching mainly revolves around ancient history and the Classical languages. I'm involved in a project to incorporate more active methods of language acquisition into the Latin program (as opposed to the traditional "grammar and translation" method).
The translation half of my The Institoris Dossier: Documents Illustrating the Witch Hunting Career of Henry Institoris is with the press, and I hope to submit the accompanying edition of the original documents soon.
CLASS 282 - Introductory Roman History I
From the foundation of the city to the fall of the Republic. Not open to students with credit in CLASS 281, 365 or 366.
CLASS 283 - Introductory Roman History II
The Roman Empire to the late fifth century. Not open to students with credit in CLASS 281, 378 or 379.
CLASS 284 - History of the Byzantine Empire
From its development out of the Eastern Roman Empire until the capture of Constantinople in 1453.
CLASS 294 - Ancient Science, Technology, and Medicine
An introduction to the development of science, technology, and medicine in the ancient world with particular reference to the civilizations of Greece and Rome.
LATIN 302 - Intermediate Latin II
Selections from Latin poetry and prose. Prerequisite: LATIN 201, 301 or consent of Department.
LATIN 410 - Topics in Latin Prose
LATIN 510 - Topics in Latin Prose