Darryl Hunter

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Educational Policy Studies Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Educational Policy Studies Dept
(780) 492-3690
7-147 Education Centre - North
8730 - 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5



I am a former teacher, school administrator and civil servant with educational/public administrative experience in 3 Canadian provinces. My interests revolve around the linkages between public policy making and assessment/evaluation. Evidence-informed decision-making is my research focal point, with Canadian case law as one research area. Policy formation and implementation/enactment processes, student assessment, literacy/oracy measurement, and statistical understanding of professionals are current areas of investigation. Policy and program evaluations are specializations.  


My recent publications include:


Hunter, D. (2019). A Canadian Case Book for Law and Ethics in Teaching. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt. ISBN 9781524992231 

Book Chapters

Hunter, D. & Owusu, F. (2019). Differentiated evaluation policy for professionals in Alberta, Canada schools: Local policy characteristics and budget implications. In Mary-Lynne Derrington & Jim Brandon (Eds.) Differentiated Teacher Evaluation and Professional Learning: Policies and Practices for Promoting Career Growth. (pp. 197-220) Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lafond, H., & Hunter, D. (2019 November). Curriculum after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: A conversation between two educators. In S. Carr-Stewart (Ed.), Knowing the Past, Facing the Future: Indigenous Education in Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia/Purich Press.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles 

Hunter, D. & Clarke, P. (2020). Classroom assessment, court cases and parental demands from a political systems perspective: It's black outside the box. Education & Law Journal, 28 (3), 313-360. 

Adams, P., Mombourquette,C., Brandon,J., Hunter, D., Friesen, S., Koh, K., Parsons, D. & Stelmach, B. (2019). A study of teacher growth, supervision, and evaluation in Alberta: Policy and perception. Journal of Educational Supervision, 2 (1), 1-18. 

Hunter, D., & Clarke, P. (2018). The teacher’s grade and the principal’s prerogative: Whose policy prevails? Education & Law Journal, 27(2), 145-172.

Hunter, D. (2017). Sunny ways or sombre weather? International management consultants and appraisal of policy capacity. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(2), 833-855.

Hunter, D. (2017). Presuming the problem in teacher education: A review of Derek Truscott and Ken Crook’s Ethics and Law for Teachers (2nd ed.). Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. Special Issue: CJEAP Annual Review of Books, 7(182), 21-25.

Hunter, D., & Clarke, P. (2015). Legal tests for large-scale testing in Canadian public schools: Judicial activism or deference? Education & Law Journal, 24(2), 95-133.

Hunter, D., & Dolmage, R. (2013). Fiduciary duty and school board takeovers in Canada since 1981: Fumbling toward a framework? Education & Law Journal, 22 (2), 153-186.

Hunter, D., & Dolmage, R. (2012). Teachers’ associations, labour law and teacher benefits in First Nations schools: A prognosis from Saskatchewan. Education & Law Journal, 21(2), 111-142.

Hunter, D., Mayenga, C., & Gambell, T. (2006). Classroom assessment tools and uses: Canadian English teachers’ practices for writing. Assessing Writing, 11(1), 42-65.

Hunter, D., Gambell, T., & Randhawa, B. (2005). Gender gaps in listening and speaking: Issues in social constructivist views of teaching and learning. Educational Review, 57 (3), 329-355.

Gambell, T., & Hunter, D. (2004). Teacher scoring of large-scale assessment: Professional development or debilitation? Journal of Curriculum Studies, 36 (6), 697-724.

Randhawa, B.S., & Hunter, D. (2001). Validity of performance assessment in mathematics for early adolescents. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 33 (1), 14-24.

Hunter, D., & Randhawa, B.S. (2001). Large-scale, authentic assessment of listening and speaking as interactive communication: Issues in reliability. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, XLVII (2), 156-182.

Hunter, D., & Gambell, T. (2000). Incorporating stakeholders in standard setting: What’s at stake? Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, Special Issue, 83-109.

Gambell, T., & Hunter, D. (2000). Surveying gender differences in Canadian public school literacy. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 32(5), 689-720.


I have taught various combinations of :

EDPS 410 (Ethics and Law in Teaching) 

EDPS 581 (Introduction to Evaluating Educational Research) 

EDPS 580 (Perspectives on Policy and Practice)

EDPS 635 (Organizational Theory)

EDPS 553 (Legal Aspects of Educational Administration) 

EDPS 680 (Policy Research and Education)

EDU 520 (Theoretical and Professional Foundations of Leadership) online 

EDPS 511 (Evolving Concepts in Educational Administration) online

EDPS 512 (Organizational Theory in Education and Leadership Processes)


EDPS 410 - Ethics and Law in Teaching

This course will examine the ethical and legal responsibilities of teachers. Among the topics addressed will be the following: punishment and child abuse; freedom of speech and academic freedom in schools; parents' rights and teachers' professional autonomy; issues of quality such as inclusive education and the problems of racism and sexism; fairness in assessment and evaluation; teachers' private lives and public obligations; indoctrination and the teaching of value. It is recommended that students take EDU 100 (EDU 300 for After Degree students), 210, and 211 prior to taking this course. Restricted to third, and fourth year Education students. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

EDPS 511 - Leadership Theories and their Application to Educational Organizations

This course provides an introduction to leadership theories and concepts that are foundational for understanding the philosophical assumptions that drive leadership practice in schools and higher education contexts. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

EDPS 512 - Organizational Theory and Education

This course provides an introduction to organizational theories that are foundational for understanding the philosophical assumptions that establish the organization of schools and higher education contexts. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

EDPS 581 - Introduction to Evaluating Educational Research

Introduces students to a critical interpretation and evaluation of research in the specializations within the Department of Educational Policy Studies, using a wide range of orientations and approaches. Students may not receive credit for both EDPS 508 and EDPS 581. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

EDPS 900 - Directed Research Project

May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

EDU 510 - Fundamentals of Educational Research

Explores the findings of educational research, and works to apply the results of research to educational problems. Focuses on conceptualizing methods of educational research to specific and individual educational sites and issues. Prerequisites: Registration in the Master of Education in Educational Studies program and consent of the program. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

EDU 514 - Planning for Educational Change

Introduces how educational research can enhance educational change toward school improvement. Focuses on utilizing research to create a site-based improvement or research proposal for a specific school site. Prerequisites/co-requisites: Registration in the Master of Education in Educational Studies program and EDU 510. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

Browse more courses taught by Darryl Hunter

Scholarly Activities

Research - Building, Supporting, and Assuring Quality Professional Practice: A Review of TGSE Policy

2017 to 2018

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Research - Educational Management Information Systems and Data Use: Institutional Capacity Analysis:Vanuatu/ Kiribati/Solomon Islands

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Research - Feedback and Deep Ethical Learning among Undergraduate Students in Canada and China

2018 to 2021

A cross national study in undergraduate teacher education

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Research - Optimum Learning: Investigation into professional practice standards and their implementation

2019 to 2022

A multi-university study of policy implementation

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Research - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Insight) grant as PI to look at Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario school administrators’ concepts of statistical probability

Ended: 2025-05-31

Schooling is more than covid statistics. School leaders deploy statistics in their daily work for multiple purposes -- to calculate student/teacher ratios and student averages; to understand provincial, national and international standardized test scores; to schedule and promote students;and to explain the significance of all these numbers to their community. School leaders' applications of statistics can thus have profound and long-lasting effects on K-12 students' school experience. With Dr. Samira ElAtia at the Faculte Saint-Jean, we are studying bilingualism's impact on evidence-informed decision-making in K-12 schools.

Research - Summary Report on Aggression Replacement Training for the Society for Safe and Caring Schools/Public Safety Canada

2015 to 2020

A summative program evaluation of an Alberta inititiative to explore adolescent issues in First Nations predominate schools