David Stuart
Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept
- dtstuart@ualberta.ca
- Phone
- (780) 492-7737
- Address
5-61 Medical Sciences Building
8613 - 114 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2H7
Dr. David Stuart is currently appointed a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.
BIOCH 425 - Proteomics
An advanced course focusing on the analysis of protein function and protein-protein interactions within the context of the entire protein complement of a cell. Some aspects of protein structure as it pertains to the principles of protein-protein interactions will be covered along with genetic and biochemical methods for the analysis of protein complexes, protein interaction networks and system wide protein identification and dynamics. This course is intended for students in Honors or Specialization in Biochemistry. Students in other programs may be admitted subject to availability and with the consent of the Department. Prerequisites: BIOCH 320 and BIOCH 330 with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in these courses.
BIOCH 495 - Special Topics in Biochemistry
Covers specialized topics of current interest to advanced undergraduates in Biochemistry programs. Consult the Department for details about current offerings. Prerequisites: BIOCH 310, 320 and 330, and consent of the instructor. This course is restricted to students in Honors or Specialization in Biochemistry. Credit for this course may be obtained more than once.
BIOCH 525 - Proteomics
An advanced course focusing on the analysis of protein function and protein-protein interactions within the context of the entire protein complement of a cell. Some aspects of protein structure as it pertains to the principles of protein-protein interactions will be covered along with genetic and biochemical methods for the analysis of protein complexes, protein interaction networks and system wide protein identification and dynamics. This course is intended for students in Biochemistry but students in other programs may be admitted subject to availability and with the consent of the Department. Prerequisites: BIOCH 420 and BIOCH 430 or their equivalent with a minimum GPA of 3.2 in these courses.
BIOCH 623B - Special Topics in Research on Polynucleotides
This course is a journal club and discussion group in which current research topics on nucleic acids, molecular and cellular biology are discussed. Specific subjects presented range from biochemistry, genetics and microbiology to developmental biology and clinical aspects of nucleic acid derived therapeutics.
BIOCH 626B - Special Topics in Protein Research
Seminar course for advanced students. Detailed consideration is given to recent advances in research on protein structure and function and mechanism of enzyme action. Prerequisite: BIOCH 420 or consent of Department.
BIOCH 698 - Undergraduate Research Mentoring
A credit/no-credit course for graduate students who are actively participating in the mentorship of undergraduate students in a half term research course (e.g. BIOCH 398 and 498) in the Department of Biochemistry. Mentorship includes activities such as in lab supervision, training, and help with reports and presentations. Can be taken in any year and Spring/Summer session. Credit may be obtained more than once. Requires the submission of an initial project summary with student learning objectives, monthly progress and final reports. Prerequisite: Consent of the Department of Biochemistry.
BIOCH 699B - Undergraduate Research Mentoring
A credit/no-credit course for graduate students who are actively participating in the mentorship of undergraduate students in a full-term research course (e.g. BIOCH 499) in the Department of Biochemistry. Mentorship includes activities such as in lab supervision, training, and help with reports and presentations. Can be taken in any year. Credit may be obtained more than once. Requires the submission of an initial project summary with student learning objectives, monthly progress and final reports. Prerequisite: Consent of Department of Biochemistry.
BIOL 496 - Special Topics in Biology
Covers specialized topics of current interest to advanced undergraduates in Biological Sciences. Consult the Department for details about current offerings. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Credit for this course may be obtained more than once.
BIOL 596 - Special Topics in Biology
Covers specialized topics of current interest to graduate students in Biological Sciences. Consult the Department for details about current offerings. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Credit for this course may be obtained more than once.