Greg Anderson, PhD

Professor, Faculty of Arts - Political Science Dept


Professor, Faculty of Arts - Political Science Dept



I am a professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Alberta (CANADA). I earned a B.A. in history from Brigham Young University, an M.A., also in history, from the University of Alberta, and earned a PhD from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University (Johns Hopkins/SAIS) in Washington, D.C.


My research and teaching interests are situated within the discipline of international political economy, particularly the political economy of North American integration. I have authored numerous pieces focused on Canada-U.S. relations, the politics of international trade and investment policy, U.S. foreign economic policy, and the impact of the global economy on forms of governance. My recent writing has included a focus on the contemporary debate over foreign direct investment rules and the experience with investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) within the NAFTA area. Newer projects include a focus on comparative innovation and diversification strategies by subfederal governments and the use of national security rationales for protectionism.


INT D 520A - Combined Honors Essay

For students in Combined Honors programs. Permission of both Departments and the Faculty of Arts, Undergraduate Services office is required. Registration in this class may require attendance and participation in specific program seminars. Students must apply to the Faculty office by August 1st to be considered for registration in this course. [Faculty of Arts, Undergraduate Student Services]

INT D 520B - Combined Honors Essay

For students in Combined Honors programs. Permission of both Departments and the Faculty of Arts, Undergraduate Services office is required. Registration in this class may require attendance and participation in specific program seminars. Students must apply to the Faculty office by August 1st to be considered for registration in this course. [Faculty of Arts, Undergraduate Student Services]

POL S 101 - Introduction to Politics

An introduction to major political concepts and to the study of politics. Note: Not open to students with credit in POL S 100 or 103.

POL S 364 - Introduction to International Political Economy

This course provides an introduction to the ideas, institutions, and forces which are shaping the new international political economy. It examines the politics of trading blocks such as NAFTA and the EU, North-South relations, and the interactions of markets and states in the global economy. Prerequisite: One of POL S 235, 261 (or 230, 240, or 260) or Department consent.

POL S 458 - United States Foreign Policy

The contemporary foreign policies of the United States and their causes. Prerequisite: One of POL S 261 (or 260) or Department consent.

POL S 499A - Honors Essay: Fourth-Year Honors Political Science

Preparation of the Honors Essay, required in the fourth year of the Honors program. Prerequisite: POL S 399.

POL S 499B - Honors Essay: Fourth-Year Honors Political Science

Preparation of the Honors Essay, required in the fourth year of the Honors program. Prerequisite: POL S 399.

POL S 565 - Topics in Foreign Policy Analysis

Current approaches to the study of foreign policy that focuses the explanations upon factors within the state.

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Featured Publications

Greg Anderson

Journal of World Trade. 2023 April; 57 (3):505-530 10.54648/trad2023017

Greg Anderson

Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. 25

Greg Anderson

Diplomatic History. 36 (1):583-624

Greg Anderson

The World Economy. 40 (12):2937-2965

Brian Bow and Greg Anderson

Greg Anderson

Greg Anderson

Review of International Political Economy. 19 (5):711-741