Lauren Sulz, PhD, MSc, BSc, BEd

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept
(780) 492-0870
350 Education Centre - South
11210 - 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5


Area of Study / Keywords

Healthy School Communities; Physical and Health Education; School Sport; Physical and Health Literacy


Dr. Sulz is an Associate Professor with a focus on healthy school communities. Lauren's research includes physical and health literacy, school sport and school-based physical activities, whole-child education, comprehensive school health, and health and physical education pedagogy. 


PhD (2014)
Faculty of Education, School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education
University of Victoria, British Columbia

 Masters of Science (2008)
College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan

 Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (2003)
Faculty of Education, University of Saskatchewan

 Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (2003)
College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan



  • Physical Education and Health Education Curriculum 
  • Pedagogical Issues in Physical and Health Education
  • Comprehensive School Health
  • Physical Literacy and Health Literacy
  • School Sport and Extra-Curricula Physical Activity
  • Physical Activity Experiences of Girls and Young Women

Dr. Sulz's primary research commitments focus on school-based strategies to promote active healthy lifestyles among children and youth. She works collaboratively with teachers, researchers and community stakeholders to enhance students’ physical activity and health behaviours through changes to school curricula, school policy and school environments.  Through this research, Dr. Sulz aims to create a whole-school environment where student health is an essential foundation to schools’ core mission of learning. A second and complementary area of study is centered around school-based sport and coaching. Dr. Sulz is currently exploring strategies to enhance interschool sport and extra-curricular physical activity opportunities for students and support teacher-coaches in offering these programs.

Dr. Sulz currently holds a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant in collaboration with Physical and Health Education Canada ( and Ever Active Schools ( to develop a Pan-Canadian Health Education Strategy that will provide a conceptual framework to build towards a future where all students in Canada experience quality and meaningful health education.


New Book: Our Journey: The Health and Physical Education Masters Cohort Experience

In the Summer of 2018, the inaugural Health and Physical Education Masters cohort began in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. Ten courses over two years. Two summers spent together. Hundreds of hours spent online. Countless conversations, debates and discussions and now - just four short years later, we are proud to bring this collection to you. Our Journey shares the stories, learnings and growth of 19 health and physical educators in a wide array of contexts, career paths and experiences. We hope you enjoy this book as much as we do!


EDEL 595 - Special Seminar in Elementary Education: Selected Topics

Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

EDSE 333 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Health Minors

Prerequisite: 9 units in the Minor subject area; pre/corequisites: EDU 100 or 300, EDU 210, and EDU 211. Note: EDSE 333 is not open to first year students.

EDSE 347 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Physical Education Majors I

Prerequisites: 9 units in the Major subject area, EDPY 304, EDU 100/300, 210, and 211. Corequisite: Courses in the Introductory Professional Term (IPT) for the Secondary Education Route. Successful completion of the on-campus portion of the IPT is expected prior to being granted permission to continue into EDFX 350. Note: Not open to first year students.

EDSE 348 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Physical Education Minors

Prerequisite: 9 units in the Minor subject area; pre/corequisites: EDU 100 or 300, EDU 210, and EDU 211. Note: EDSE 348 is not open to first year students or students whose Major is Physical Education.

EDSE 447 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Physical Education Majors II

Prerequisites: Introductory Professional Term, including EDSE 347 and 24 units in the Major subject area. Successful completion is required prior to being granted permission to continue in EDFX 450.

Browse more courses taught by Lauren Sulz

Scholarly Activities

Research - Creating a Common Vision for Health Education in Canada (SSHRC-PDG; Principle Investigator)

2022-01-01 to 2024-01-01

Dr. Sulz's SSHRC-funded research will form foundations for a pan-Canadian strategy to make a positive impact through improved curriculum and instruction. The primary goal of this collaborative work (PHE Canada; Ever Active Schools) is to develop a Pan-Canadian Health Education Strategy that will provide a conceptual framework to build towards a future where all students in Canada experience quality and meaningful health education. This strategy will guide schools on how to improve health literacy, empower healthy choices, and reduce health inequities.

Research - School Sport and Educational Success: Exploring KidSport's Stay-in-School Initiative for Low-Income Youth in Alberta

Dr. Sulz's SSHRC-funded research recognizes the multiple benefits of sport and seeks to understand the role of school sport among low-income families. Specifically, this research aims to understand the extent in which participation in school sport supports attendance, grades, attitudes towards school, and wellbeing of students from low-income households. 

Featured Publications

Gleddie, D.L., Sulz, L., & Morrison, H.

2022 January;

Sulz, L., Gleddie, D.L., Kinsella, C., & Humbert, M.L.

European Physical Education Review. 2022 January; 29 (1)

The best of At My Best K–3: A student- and teacher-informed evaluation of an elementary health education resource

Robinson, D., Sulz, L., Berg, S. & Gleddie, D.L

PHEnex. 2021 January; 12 (2)

Sulz, L.D., Gibbons, S., Naylor, P.J., & Wharf Higgins, J.

Physical Educator. 2020 January; 77 (3)

Sulz, L.D., Gleddie, D.L., Urbanski, W., & Humbert, L

Sport in Society. 2020 January; 24 (9)

Elias, P., Montermurro, G., Sulz, L., Torrance, B., & Storey, K.

BMC Public Health. 2020 January; 20 (1279)

Gleddie, D.L., Sulz, L., Humbert, L. & Zajdel, A.

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2019 January; 90 (2)

Lauren Sulz; Stephen Berg

Physical Education for Elementary School Teachers: Foundations of a Physical Literacy Journal. 2018 January;

Gleddie, Sulz, Humbert, & Zajdel

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 2018 January;

Research-informed tips for teaching physical and health educators

Sulz, Balderson, Gleddie, Hickson, Chorney, & Kell

Runner. 2018 January; 49 (1):9-14

Sulz, L. & Gibbons, S.L.

International Journal of Physical Education. 2016 January; 53 (2):2-15

Sulz, L.D., Temple, V., & Gibbons, S.

The Physical Educator. 2016 January; 73 (3):530-554

Sulz, L.D., Gibbons, S., Naylor, P.J., & Wharf Higgins, J

Health Education Journal. 2016 January;

Naylor, P.J., Wharf Higgins, J., Gibbons, S., Rhodes, R., Sulz, L., McKay, H., Voss, C., & Macdonald, H.

Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 2013 January; 37 (S2)

Sulz, L.D., Humbert, M.L., Gyurcsik, N.C., Chad, K.E., & Gibbons, S.L.

PHEnex. 2010 January; 2 (2):1-17