Norman Neumann, PhD

Professor, School of Public Health


Professor, School of Public Health
(780) 492-8502
3-57E South Academic Building
11328 - 89 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2J7



We are products of our environment. Our health depends on how healthy our environment is.

Physical, chemical, and biological hazards in the environment threaten human health. The inextricable linkages between humans, animals and the environment reflect the concept of ‘One-Health.' Similarly, globalization of food, water and natural resources has led to a greater interaction of the human species across geographical boundaries, expanding our accessible environments but also diversifying human health threats. 

In this context we are ‘One-World.' The ‘One-World-One Health’ concept represents a renewed focus in public health; an emerging paradigm in which disease prevention is viewed in the context of the environment. 

Biological hazards are particularly relevant to global human health. Of the more than 1400 infectious diseases known to man, approximately 60% are zoonotic. It is estimated that 75% of all newly emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic. 

Some of the more notorious examples include pandemic influenza, E. coli O157, and prion diseases (i.e., BSE). Even the perception that a health risk exists can be economically crippling, as exemplified by the recent outbreaks of BSE and listeriosis in Canada. Therefore, comprehensive public health strategies for infectious disease prevention must include environmental protection. 

My research program focuses on development of novel approaches and tools for detecting, tracking and assessing human health risks associated with biological hazards in the environment (viruses, bacteria, protozoans, prions). 


Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, 2000 
PhD, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, 1999 
BSc, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, 1992


SPH 412 - Environmental Risk Assessment and Management

This course will introduce students to the frameworks of environmental risk analysis in the context of human, ecosystem, and planetary health. Concepts include problem formulation, risk assessment, risk characterization, risk management, and the communication of risk. A special emphasis is placed on the science of risk assessment including hazard identification, exposure assessment, effects assessment, dose response assessment/modeling, and the characterization of risk. The art of public engagement in risk analysis and how regulations and policy science are also discussed in brief. Note: Credit may not be obtained for both SPH 412 and SPH 512.

SPH 512 - Environmental Risk Assessment and Management

Concepts of risk to health and environment, assessment, management and communication of risk, hazard identification, links to exposure assessment, toxicology and epidemiology, dose response assessment, risk characterization, regulatory and policy science. Note: Credit may not be obtained for both PHS 512 and SPH 512.

SPH 536 - Engagement for Public Health Action

Our perceptions and interpretations of what is good for society are at the core of public health's mission but, as you can imagine, every individual has their own opinion about what is good. How do we motivate and engage people with such diverse attitudes and opinions in the dialogue that leads to public health action? Coupled with a deep dive into the philosophical underpinnings of meta-ethics, normative ethics, epistemology and ontology, this course helps students understand why public health is not as straightforward as one might expect. How different worldviews and ways of knowing shape concepts of ethics and values and, ultimately, understandings of what is good, are considered from normative, Indigenous, and other non-Western perspectives. This foundational work supports experiential learning opportunities where students are paired with organizations and professionals to gain insights into practices and experiences of engagement for public health action. SPH 536 is a required course for the degree of Master of Public Health in General Public Health. Prerequisite: SPH 530. Corequisites: SPH 562, SPH 535, or consent of instructor.

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Scholarly Activities

Research - Characterizing patterns of contagion and transmission of Chronic Wasting Disease in Cervids

Principal Investigator 
funded by PrioNet Canada and the Alberta Prion Research Institute

Research - Prevalence and distribution of enteric viruses in Alberta watersheds

Co-principal Investigator 
funded by the Alberta Water for Life Strategy

Research - Prions and the environment

Co-principal Investigator 
funded by PrioNet Canada and the Alberta Prion Research Institute

Research - Safe, secure water supplies in Alberta

Co-principal Investigator 
funded by the Alberta Water Research Institute

Featured Publications

Mataseje L.F, N. F. Neumann, B. Crago, P. Baudry, G.G. Zhanel, M. Louie , M. R. Mulvey, and the ARO Water Study Group.

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 53

Khan, I. U.H., V. Gannon, A. Loughborough, C. Jokinen, R. Kent, W. Koning, D. R. Lapen, D. Medeiros, J. Miller, N. F. Neumann, R. Phillips, H. Schreier, E. Topp, E. van Bochove, and T. A. Edge.

Journal of Microbiological Methods. 79

Wilkes, G., T. Edge, V. Gannon, C. Jokinen, E. Lyautey, D. Medeiros, N. F. Neumann, N. Ruecker, E. Topp, and D. R. Lapen.

Water Research. 43