Philip Badawy, PhD

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts - Sociology Dept


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts - Sociology Dept


Area of Study / Keywords

Work and stratification; Job Qualities; Work-Family Life; Mental Health; Quantitative Methods; Research Methods


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta. I completed my PhD at the University of Toronto in 2022. My research broadly focuses on work-family life, status inequality, and health. I am particularly interested in examining working conditions as social determinants of health and mental health, with a specific focus on how these dynamics change over time. One of my ongoing research projects draws on a longitudinal nationally-representative sample of Canadian workers to trace the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic altered the stress exposure in work-family life across social statuses and its impacts on workers’ health and well-being.


POL S 528 - Topics in the Politics of Public Administration

Selected topics in the practice of public administration; content may vary from year to year.

SOC 315 - Introduction to Social Methodology

Research design, data collection, and data processing strategies used by sociologists. Topics include research values and ethics, reliability and validity, experimentation, survey research techniques, historical methods, field research, and content analysis. Prerequisite: SOC 210 or consent of instructor.

SOC 363 - Sociology of Work and Industry

Sociological analysis of the changing nature and content of work, its diversity of industrial contexts and organizational forms, and its consequences for individuals and society, from Canadian and comparative perspectives. Prerequisite: SOC 100. Not open to students with credit in SOC 366.

SOC 366 - People in Industry

Introduction to the sociological analysis of the attitudes and behaviour of employees in work organizations, with emphasis on contemporary Canada. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Not open to students with credit in SOC 363.

SOC 456 - Data Analysis and Research

A practical approach to social science research that focuses on methods for preparing, analyzing, and presenting data. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor

SOC 503 - Conference Course in Sociology for Graduate Students

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