Richard Field, PhD, MBA, BMath

Director, PLLC, College of Social Sciences and Humanities - Peter Lougheed Leadership College
Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management


Director, PLLC, College of Social Sciences and Humanities - Peter Lougheed Leadership College

Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management
(780) 492-5921
4-30J Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6



Research Interests

Leadership and Management

(2019) "Leadership and Technology". In "Considering Leadership Anew: A Handbook on Alternative Leadership Theory" edited by Gerardo Daniel Abreu Pederzini. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 14-29. See the preview in Google Books at:

(2018) "The Roles of Leaders, Managers, & Supervisors; The Practices of Leadership, Management, & Supervision; and the Decisions of the Leader/Manager/Supervisor." Journal of Organizational Behavior Education", Volume 11: 63-78.  

(2009) Book Chapter “Leadership” in “The Handbook of Technology Management”, Volume 1, pp. 178-188. Hossein Bidgoli, Editor-in-Chief, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. With Stephanie Buddle, MBA Student. [Article link at end of this page]

(2006) "Discontinuous Change in University Web Sites: The Relative Importance of Reasons for Change." Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations, Volume 1, pp. 43-57. With Terry Ryan and Lorne Olfman. [Article link at end of this page]

(2003) "The Evolution of U.S. Government State Home Pages From 1997 To 2002". International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 59, pp. 403-430. With Terry Ryan and Lorne Olfman. [Article link at end of this page]

(2001) "The Behavioral Tourist: Reflections on a Journey to the Land of IS", Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Volume 7 Article 21. [Article link at end of this page]

(1999) "Culture specific and cross culturally generalizable implicit leadership theories: Are attributes of charismatic/transformational leadership universally endorsed?" Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 10, pp. 219-256. With Den Hartog, D.N., House, R. J., Hanges, P.J., Ruiz-Quintanilla, S. A., Dorfman, P.W.,. et al. (all co-authors of the GLOBE research project from 61 countries). 

(1999) "Cultural Influences on Leadership and Organizations: Project GLOBE", In Advances in Global Leadership (W. H. Mobley, M.J. Gessner, & V. Arnold, Eds.), pp. 171-233, Stamford, CN: JAI Press. With R. J. House, P.J. Hanges, S.A. Ruiz-Quintanilla, P.W. Dorfman, M. Javidan, M.W. Dickson, V. Gupta et al. (all co-authors of the GLOBE research project from 61 countries). 

(1998) "Testing the incremental validity of the Vroom-Jago versus Vroom-Yetton models of participation in decision making." With Julian P. Andrews. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Volume 11: 251-261. [Article link at end of this page]

(1998) "Regrounding the concept of leadership." With Julian P. Andrews. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Vol. 19: 128-136. [Title page only link at the end of this page]

(1993) "The case of the purloined journal article, or on being at the receiving end of academic dishonesty." Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol. 2(4), Dec. 1993, pp. 317-324. [Article link at end of this page]

(1992) "The environmental crisis in the office: Why aren't managers managing the office environment?" With N. Phillips, Journal of General Management, 18(1), pp. 35-50. [Article link at end of this page]

(1990) "A test of the Vroom-Yetton model using manager and subordinate reports." With R.J. House, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 75, pp. 362-366. [Article link at end of this page]

(1990) "The effect of situation attributes on decision method choice in the Vroom-Jago model of participation in decision making." With P.C. Read and J.J. Louviere, Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 1: 165-176. [Article link at end of this page]

(1990) "Expert systems for management decision making: Two tests and prescriptions for future systems." With W.C. Wedley, Journal of Management Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 61-76.

(1990) "The evolution of leadership theory." With D.A. Van Seters, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 3, pp. 29-45. [Article link at end of this page]

(1989) "Leaders as stars, pulsars, quasars, and black holes." Business Horizons, Vol. 32(3), pp. 60-64.

(1989) "The self-fulfilling prophecy leader: Achieving the Metharme effect." Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 26, pp. 151-175. [Article link at end of this page]

(1989) "The MBA program: Views from a student and a professor." With D.A. Van Seters, Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, Vol. 13, pp. 59-71.

(1989) "Criteria used in selecting Vroom-Yetton decision styles." With W.C. Wedley and M.W.J. Hayward, Canadian Journal of Administrative Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 18-24. [Article link at end of this page]

(1988) "Management by Expectations (MBE): The power of positive prophecy." With D.A. Van Seters, Journal of General Management, Vol. 14(2), pp. 19-33. [Article link at end of this page]

(1988) "Informational social influence and vicarious learning in group decision making." International Journal of Small Group Research, Vol. 4, pp. 84-93.

(1986) "Constructive controversy, the Vroom-Yetton model, and managerial decision making." With D. Tjosvold and W.C. Wedley, Journal of Occupational Behavior, Vol. 7, pp. 125-138.

(1986) "Effect of concurrence, controversy, and consensus on group decision making." With D. Tjosvold, Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 125, pp. 355-363.

(1984) "A predecision support system." With W.C. Wedley, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 9, pp. 696-703. [Article link at end of this page]

(1984) "Managers' structuring cooperative and competitive controversy in group decision making." With D. Tjosvold, International Journal of Management, Vol. 1, pp. 26-32. [Article link at end of this page]

(1983) "Effects of social context on consensus and majority vote decision making." With D. Tjosvold, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 26, pp. 500-506. [Article link at end of this page]

(1982) "Climate: A reconceptualization and proposed model." With M.A. Abelson, Human Relations, Vol. 35, pp. 181-201. [Article link at end of this page]

(1982) "A test of the Vroom-Yetton normative model of leadership." Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 67, pp. 523-532. [Article link at end of this page]

(1979) "A critique of the Vroom-Yetton contingency model of leadership behavior." Academy of Management Review, Vol. 4, pp. 249-257. [Article link at end of this page]

(1979) "Employee selection as a bargaining process: An exercise." Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, Vol. 4(1), pp. 41-42.


BUS 505 MBA, "Business Ethics"

SMO 402 "Management Skills for Supervisors and Leaders"

SMO 322 "Theories of Organizational Behaviour"

SMO 301 "Behaviour in Organizations"


INT D 101 - Inspired to Dream: Becoming a Leader

Students will engage with impactful leaders, from many backgrounds, who have made a positive contribution to the world. By the end of the course, students will be able to visualize their potential for leadership growth and be inspired to continue their journey to take action. Open to all students.

INT D 207 - Inspired to Lead: Skills You Need

Students will learn about practical skills that are important to be successful in leadership across various organizational settings and situations. Reflection and self-development are key components of the course. Open to all students. No prerequisites. It is recommended that students have completed at least 30 units of course weight towards their degree prior to registering in this course.

INT D 307 - Inspired to Lead: Your Leadership Canvas

Solving societal problems requires that leaders engage across many different domains, requiring them to understand multiple disciplines of thought. Students will examine leadership in public, private and non-governmental cases as well as their intersections. By the end of the course, students will have a strong understanding for their own personal leadership development path. Open to all students. No prerequisites. It is recommended that students have completed at least 60 units of course weight towards their degree prior to registering in this course.

SEM 652 - Leadership Skills

The purpose of this course is to increase the student's understanding of leadership roles and skill in exercising those roles. These include team building, mentoring, managing conflict, delegating, managing participative decision making, creative problem solving, and time and stress management.

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