Shereen Hamza

Faculty Serv Officer, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept


Faculty Serv Officer, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept


Area of Study / Keywords


Ms. Shereen Hamza is currently appointed as ATS Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Physiology in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.


PHYSL 400 - Reproductive Physiology

The aim of this course is to describe (i) the causes of infertility, (ii) therapeutic approaches to restore or enhance fertility and (iii) contraceptive approaches to avoid pregnancy. Prerequisites: PHYSL 212 and 214, or 210 and consent of Department.

PHYSL 403 - Neuroendoimmunomodulation

The physiological and pathophysiological interrelationships between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Prerequisites: PHYSL 212 and 214, or 210 and consent of Department.

PHYSL 500 - Reproductive Physiology

The aim of this course is to describe (i) the causes of infertility, (ii) therapeutic approaches to restore or enhance fertility and (iii) contraceptive approaches to avoid pregnancy. Lectures are the same as PHYSL 400, but with additional assignments and evaluation appropriate to graduate studies. Credit cannot be obtained for both PHYSL 400 and 500. Prerequisites: PHYSL 212 and 214, or 210 and consent of Department.

PHYSL 503 - Neuroendoimmunomodulation

The physiological and pathophysiological interrelationships between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Prerequisites: consent of Department. Priority given to students registered in a graduate program. Note: this course is not open to students with credit in the corresponding PHYSL 400 level course.

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