Faruk Uygul

ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences


ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences


MATH 101 - Calculus for Engineering II

Area between curves, techniques of integration. Applications of integration to planar areas and lengths, volumes and masses. First order ordinary differential equations: separable, linear, direction fields, Euler's method, applications. Infinite series, power series, Taylor expansions with remainder terms. Polar coordinates. Rectangular, spherical and cylindrical coordinates in 3-dimensional space. Parametric curves in the plane and space: graphing, arc length, curvature; normal binormal, tangent plane in 3- dimensional space. Volumes and surface areas of rotation. Prerequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 101, 115, 118, 136, 146, 156 or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.

MATH 201 - Differential Equations

First-order equations; second-order linear equations: reduction of order, variation of parameters; Laplace transform; linear systems; power series; solution by series; separation of variables for PDEs. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 209 or 214. Notes: (1) Open only to students in Engineering, Specialization Physics, and Specialization Geophysics. (2) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 201, MATH 334, MATH 336, or MA PH 251. (3) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.

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