Vlada Blinova
Faculty Service Officer, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Human Ecology Dept
- vblinova@ualberta.ca
- Phone
- (780) 492-2528
- Address
103 Human Ecology Building
8905 - 116 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2N1
Major Responsibilities:
Teaching undergraduate courses in apparel design and administrative management of the Anne Lambert Clothing and Textiles Collection
Selected Curated Exhibitions:
- Blinova, V., Moran, L., “Lois Hole: the Queen of Hugs”. An exhibition commemorating the life and legacy of the beloved Alberta politician, gardener, and writer, 2015
- Blinova, V., MacDonald, L., & Oak, A. “Waste Not, Want Not: Creating Through Recycling”. Exhibition of quilts from the Rosenberg Quilt Collection and McDonalds’ designs, part of HECOL 490, 2012
- Blinova, V., van der Veen, K., “The Art of Kimono”. An exhibition of kimono and accessories from the Clothing and Textiles Collection, 2009
- Blinova, V., “Q-The Quilted Compilation. Pieced perception”. An Exhibition of Log Cabin quilts from the Rosenberg Quilt Collection, 2008
- Blinova, V., Petrov, J.,”Colours on Cloth”. An exhibition of printed African textiles from the Clothing and Textiles Collection, 2008
- Blinova, V., “Fashion in Bloom”. An exhibition of dress designs by HECOL students, 2007
- Sekandi, M., Blinova, V., “Connecting Communities with Bark Cloth”. An exhibition of the textiles and textile making tools from the Clothing and Textiles Collection, 2006.
- Research Interests:
- Socio-cultural and political influences in textile design.
- Specialized apparel and functional design.
- Sustainable and “slow” fashion, upcycling.
- HECOL 254 Apparel Design and Construction Fundamentals
- HECOL 354 Apparel Design and Product Development I
- HECOL 454 Apparel Design and Product Development II
- HECOL 333 Cross-Cultural Textiles
Graduate students:
- Zoe Wagner (MA)
- Lucia Gago Ross (MA)
- Elizabeth Brandeau (MA)
- Namami Nath (MA)
- Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Teaching Wall of Fame (Teacher of the Year) 2006 – 07, 2010 -11, 2012 -13, 2013 -14, 2015 -16, 2016-17 Academic Years
- University of Alberta Museums - Wall of Fame (Outstanding Service Award), 2015
- University of Alberta Students’ Union - Professor of the Week Award, 2007
HECOL 333 - Cross-Cultural Textiles
An introduction to the historical and technological development of cross-cultural textiles and survey of common textile-making techniques, designs, and embellishments. Ethnographic textiles are analyzed in the context of socio-cultural, political, economic, environmental, and aesthetical meanings. The course combines lectures, class discussions, videos, and examination of artifacts from the Clothing and Textiles Collection. Prerequisite: 30 units.
HECOL 454 - Apparel Design and Product Development II
Advanced problems in apparel design and product development. Draping and fabric manipulation techniques are explored. The focus is traditional specialty fabric techniques and experimental production methods. Prerequisite: HECOL 254. Normally offered in alternate years.