Vera Mazurak
Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
- Phone
- (780) 492-8048
- Address
4-002C Li Ka Shing Centre For Research
8602 112 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2E1
PhD, Nutrition and Metabolism, University of Alberta
Job/Research Area
Nutrition and Metabolism
Major Responsibilities/Research Interests
Areas of interest include lipid metabolism in disease with particular emphasis on the essential fatty acids. Current studies include defining nutritional requirements for people who have cancer and determining ways to prevent or overcome malnutrition during chemotherapy and advanced disease. Additionally, I am investigating how specific nutrients alter gene expression and proteins that relate to the ability of cancer to progress to a more invasive phenotype. Teaching responsibilities relate to nutritional biochemistry and controversial topics in Nutrition.
AFNS 556 - Nutrition Across the Lifespan
A lecture course that examines the understanding of how nutrients act on a cellular, tissue and the whole organism to influence human growth, development and aging. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
NU FS 356 - Nutrition Across the Lifespan
A lecture course that examines the understanding of how nutrients act on a cellular, tissue and whole organism level to influence human growth, development and aging. Prerequisite: 3 units of NUTR 301, 303 or NU FS 305.
Featured Publications
Murphy RA, Yeung E, Mazurak VC and Mourtzakis M
British Journal of Cancer. 2011 January;
Murphy RA, Mourtzakis M, Reiman T and Chu Q, Mazurak VC
Cancer. 2011 January; 11
Gullett NP, Mazurak VC, Hebbar G, Johnstone PS and Ziegler TR
Current Problems in Cancer. 2011 January; 35
Murphy RA, Perrine M, Pawlowicz M, Mourtzakis M, Lieffers JR, Prado, CM, Bruera E, Clandinin MT, Baracos VE, Mazurak VC
Clinical Nutrition. 2010 January; 29
Murphy RA, Mourtzakis M, Chu QS, Reiman T, Mazurak VC
Journal of Nutrition. 2010 January; 140
Dekker MJ, Wright AJ, Mazurak VC, Marangoni AG, Rush JW, Graham TE, Robinson LE
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2009 January; 20
Bureyko T, Hurdle H, Metcalfe JB, Clandinin MT, Mazurak VC
British Journal of Nutrition. 2009 January; 101
Martin L, Zarn D, Hansen AM, Wismer W, Mazurak VC
Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 2008 January; 69
Mazurak VC, Lien V, Field CJ, Goruk SD, Pramuk K, Clandinin MT
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2008 January; 46
Robinson LE, Bucholz AC, Mazurak VC
Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 2007 January; 32
Matheson KM, Cutting JE, Mazurak VC, Robinson LE, Buchholz AC
Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research.
Murphy RA, Mourtzakis M, Reiman T, Chu Q, Baracos VE, Mazurak VC