AUPHY - Augustana Faculty - Physics

Offered By:
Augustana Faculty

Below are the courses available from the AUPHY code. Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-3/2)

Particle motion, force, Newton's Laws, gravity, work, kinetic energy, potential energy, momentum, systems of particles, rigid body motion, rotational motion, rotational dynamics, angular momentum, conservation principles. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-3/2)

Oscillatory motion, waves on a string, sound waves, interference of waves, temperature, heat, entropy, first and second laws of thermodynamics, geometric optics, interference of light. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

An exploration of the nature of our universe and the process and instruments by which we have come to our present understanding. Topics include: celestial motion; the solar system; electromagnetic radiation, telescopes, and detectors; stars; galaxies; formation and evolution.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-3/2)

Electric fields, Gauss's law, magnetic fields, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, induction, direct and alternating currents. Prerequisites: AUPHY 110 (2021) or AUPHY 120, and AUMAT 112.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Special relativity; photons and matter waves; Bohr atom model; Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle; Schrödinger equation; one-dimensional systems; hydrogen atom; spin; Pauli Exclusion Principle; many-electron atoms; molecules. Prerequisites: AUPHY 120 and AUMAT 112. Corequisite: AUMAT 211 is recommended. Note: Credit may be obtained for only one of AUPHY 260, AUCHE 277.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

The physics of the Universe. Observational methods. Stars, planetary systems, black holes, galaxies. Big Bang cosmology. Prerequisite: AUPHY 120.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 4-0-0)

Vector calculus, Newtonian mechanics, oscillations, gravitation, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics. Prerequisites: AUPHY 120 and 250. Corequisites: AUMAT 212; AUMAT 330 is recommended.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

A vector calculus formulation of electrostatics, magnetostatics, and electrodynamics in free space, and an introduction to electromagnetic waves. Topics include: Lorentz force, Maxwell's equations in differential form, potential formulations, and work, energy, and momentum. Prerequisite: AUPHY 250. Corequisite: AUMAT 212.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

The breakdown of classical physics. Topics include: wave packets and uncertainty relations, the Schrodinger equation and simple systems, postulates and interpretation of quantum mechanics, operator methods, angular momentum and spin, central force problems and the hydrogen atom. Prerequisites: AUMAT 211; one of AUCHE 277, AUPHY 260. Note: Credit may be obtained for only one of AUCHE 377 and AUPHY 360.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-1.5)

An introduction to observational astronomy utilizing the Hejse Observatory to image and measure objects such as the Moon, planets, stars, star clusters and nebulae. Topics include: telescopes; observatory operation; CCD cameras; astrophotography; image processing; photometry; spectroscopy; data reduction and Interpretation. Prerequisites: AUPHY 250, AUPHY 270.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-0-3)

Experiments in classical mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, and quantum mechanics. Measurement theory, experiment design and analysis, and scientific writing. Prerequisites: Any senior Physics course.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 1-0-3)

Intensive study of a specific problem or area of physics as defined by the student and a supervising instructor. Notes: Admission to AUPHY 395 normally requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 on the major in Mathematics and Physics. An Application for Individual Study must be completed and approved before registration in the course.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Integrated history of mathematics and physics, emphasizing the scientific revolution and the subsequent development of mathematics and physics as distinct disciplines. Prerequisite: AUMAT 211 and one of AUPHY 250, 260, or AUCHE 277. Note: Credit may be obtained for only one of AUPHY 480 or AUMAT 480.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-0-3)

Experiments in classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, optics, and other senior physics topics. Prerequisite: AUPHY 391; consent of the instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 1-0-3)

Intensive study of a specific problem or area of physics as defined by the student and a supervising instructor. Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing. Notes: Admission to AUPHY 495 normally requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 on the major in Mathematics and Physics. An Application for Individual Study must be completed and approved before registration in the course.