
Select a subject below for a list of the courses currently offered.



ABROD - Abroad, Study Term ACCTG - Accounting ADMI - FSJ - Administration ADRAM - FSJ - Art dramatique AFNS - Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science AGRMT - Agreement Formal (Registration) AIB - Alberta Institute Biomedicine ALES - Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences ALS - FSJ - Anglais langue seconde AN SC - Animal Science ANAT - Anatomy ANATE - FSJ - Anatomie ANGL - FSJ - Anglais ANTHE - FSJ - Anthropologie ANTHR - Anthropology APPEX - FSJ - Apprentissage Expérientiel ARAB - Arabic AREC - Agricultural and Resource Economics ART - Art ARTE - FSJ - Arts ASL - American Sign Language ASTRO - Astronomy AUACC - Augustana Faculty - Accounting AUART - Augustana Faculty - Art AUBIO - Augustana Faculty - Biology AUCHE - Augustana Faculty - Chemistry AUCLA - Augustana Faculty - Classical Studies AUCRI - Augustana Faculty - Crime and Community AUCSC - Augustana Faculty - Computing Science AUCSL - Augustana Faculty - Community Service Learning AUDRA - Augustana Faculty - Drama AUECO - Augustana Faculty - Economics AUEDC - Augustana Faculty - Educational Computing AUEFX - Augustana Faculty - Education Field Experience AUENG - Augustana Faculty - English AUENV - Augustana Faculty - Environmental Studies AUEPS - Augustana Faculty - Educational Psychology AUFAR - Augustana Faculty - Fine Arts AUFRE - Augustana Faculty - French AUGDS - Augustana Faculty - Global and Development Studies AUGEO - Augustana Faculty - Geography AUGER - Augustana Faculty - German AUHIS - Augustana Faculty - History AUHUM - Augustana Faculty - Humanities AUIDS - Augustana Faculty - Interdisciplinary Studies AUIND - Augustana Faculty - Indigenous Studies AULAN - Augustana Faculty - Language Studies AULAT - Augustana Faculty - Latin AUMAT - Augustana Faculty - Mathematics AUMGT - Augustana Faculty - Management AUMUS - Augustana Faculty - Music AUPAC - Augustana Faculty - Physical Activity AUPED - Augustana Faculty - Physical Education AUPHI - Augustana Faculty - Philosophy AUPHY - Augustana Faculty - Physics AUPOL - Augustana Faculty - Political Studies AUPSY - Augustana Faculty - Psychology AUREL - Augustana Faculty - Religion AUSCA - Augustana Faculty - Scandinavian AUSCI - Augustana Faculty - Science AUSOC - Augustana Faculty - Sociology AUSPA - Augustana Faculty - Spanish AUSSC - Augustana Faculty - Social Sciences AUSTA - Augustana Faculty - Statistics


B LAW - Business Law BIOCH - Biochemistry BIOCM - FSJ - Biochimie BIOEN - Bioresource Engineering BIOIN - Bioinformatics BIOL - Biology BIOLE - FSJ - Biologie BIOPH - Biophysics BME - Biomedical Engineering BOT - Botany BTM - Business Technology Management BUEC - Business Economics BUS - Business


C LIT - Comparative Literature CATS - Creative Arts Therapies CCALS - CCA - Anglais Langue Seconde CEDUL - FSJ - Certificat Éducation Leadership CELL - Cell Biology CH E - Chemical Engineering CHEM - Chemistry CHIM - FSJ - Chimie CHINA - Chinese CHRTC - Christian Theology at St Joseph's College CHRTP - Christian Theology at St Stephen's College CIV E - Civil Engineering CLASS - Classics CME - Chemical and Materials Engineering CMPUT - Computing Science COMM - Communications and Technology CSD - Communication Sciences and Disorders CSL - Community Service-Learning CSSE - FSJ - Certificat Supérieur Sciences de l'Éducation


D HYG - Dental Hygiene DA - Dental Assisting DAC - Dance Activity DANCE - Dance DDS - Dentistry DENT - Dentistry DES - Design DET - FSJ - Doctorat en Études Transdisciplinaires DEVDU - FSJ - Developpement Durable DH - Digital Humanities DRAMA - Drama


EAP - English for Academic Purposes EAS - Earth and Atmospheric Sciences EASIA - East Asian Studies ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering ECON - Economics ECONE - FSJ - Economie EDCT - Education - Career Technology Studies EDEL - Education - Elementary EDES - Education - Elementary and Secondary EDFX - Education - Field Experience EDHS - Master of Education in Health Science Education EDIT - Education - Instructional Technology EDPS - Education - Policy Studies EDPY - Education - Psychology EDSE - Education - Secondary EDU - Education EDU F - FSJ - Education - Fondements EDU M - FSJ - Education - Methodologie et Curriculum EDU P - FSJ - Education - Psychologie EDU S - FSJ - Education - Stage EN PH - Engineering Physics ENCMP - Engineering, Computer ENCS - Environmental and Conservation Sciences ENG M - Engineering Management ENGG - Engineering, General ENGL - English ENT - Entomology ENV E - Environmental Engineering EPE - CCA - Éducation à la petite enfance ET RE - FSJ - Etudes de la religion ETCAN - FSJ - Etudes canadiennes ETIN - FSJ - Etudes interdisciplinaires EXAGC - OCE - Applied Geostatistics EXALES - CE - Agricultural Life & Environmental Sciences EXAR - CE - Faculty of Arts EXARE - OCE - Aboriginal Relations Engagement EXASB - CE - Alberta School of Business EXBA - OCE - Business Analysis EXCH - Exchange Program EXCPE - OCE - Continuing and Professional Education EXCSJ - CE - Campus Saint-Jean EXCST - OCE - Construction Administration EXELP - OCE - English Language Program EXEN - CE - Faculty of Engineering EXERM - OCE - Environmental Resource Management EXFRM - CE - Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine EXGEN - OCE - General Studies EXGL - OCE - Global Leadership EXIAPP - OCE - Info Access & Protection of Privacy EXLDR - OCE - Leadership EXLGP - OCE - Local Government EXLUP - OCE - Applied Land Use Planning EXMGT - OCE - Business Management EXNS - CE - Faculty of Native Studies EXOPT - Continuing Education Elective EXOS - OCE - Occupational Health & Safety EXPH - CE - Faculty of Pharmacy EXRI - OCE - Residential Interiors EXSCMA - OCE - Supply Chain Management EXSM - OCE - Social Media EXSPH - CE - School of Public Health EXT - Extension


F MED - Family Medicine FIN - Finance FOLK - Folklore FOREC - Forest Economics FRANC - FSJ - Français FREN - French Language and Literature FS - Film Studies


GENEQ - FSJ - Génétique GENET - Genetics GEOPH - Geophysics GERM - German GREEK - Greek GSJ - Gender and Social Justice GTOTC - CCA - Gestion touristique


HADVC - History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture HE ED - Health Education HEBR - Hebrew HECOL - Human Ecology HGEO - Human Geography HINDI - Hindi HIST - History HISTE - FSJ - Histoire HUME - FSJ - Humanités


IMIN - Immunology and Infection IMINE - FSJ - Immunologie INFOR - FSJ - Informatique INT D - Interdisciplinary Undergraduate & Graduate Courses IPG - Integrated Petroleum Geosciences IRISH - Irish Language and Culture ITAL - Italian


JAPAN - Japanese


KIN - Kinesiology KOREA - Korean KRLS - Kinesiology, Recreation, Leisure and Sport KSR - Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation


LA ST - Latin American Studies LABMP - Laboratory Medicine and Pathology LATIN - Latin LAW - Law LING - Linguistics LINGQ - FSJ - Linguistique LIS - Library and Information Studies LITT - FSJ - Littérature


M EDU - FSJ - Maîtrise ès sciences de l'éducation M REG - Maintaining Registration MA PH - Mathematical Physics MA SC - Marine Science MACE - Community Engagement MAFSJ - FSJ - Maitrise en Art Faculté Saint-Jean MARK - Marketing MAT E - Materials Engineering MATH - Mathematics MATHQ - FSJ - Mathématiques MCTR - Mechatronics & Robotics Engg MDGEN - Medical Genetics MEC E - Mechanical Engineering MED - Medicine MEDPH - Medical Physics MGTSC - Management Science MICRB - Microbiology MICRE - FSJ - Microbiologie MIN E - Mining Engineering MINT - Master of Internetworking MLCS - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies MLSCI - Medical Laboratory Science MM - Multimedia MMA - Master's in Management Analytics MMI - Medical Microbiology and Immunology MSFSJ - FSJ - Maîtrise en Sciences Faculté Saint-Jean MST - Media Studies MUSIC - Music MUSIQ - FSJ - Musique


NEURO - Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute NORSE - Old Norse NORW - Norwegian NS - Native Studies NU FS - Nutrition and Food Sciences NURS - Nursing NUTR - Nutrition


OB GY - Obstetrics and Gynaecology OBIOL - Oral Biology OCCTH - Occupational Therapy OM - Operations Management ONCOL - Oncology OPHTH - Ophthalmology


PAED - Paediatrics PALEO - Paleontology PCOLE - FSJ - Pharmacologie PET E - Petroleum Engineering PGDE - Postgraduate Dental Education PGME - Postgraduate Medical Education PHARM - Pharmacy PHIL - Philosophy PHILE - FSJ - Philosophie PHYS - Physics PHYSE - FSJ - Physiologie PHYSL - Physiology PHYSQ - FSJ - Physique PL SC - Plant Science PLAN - Urban and Regional Planning PMCOL - Pharmacology POL S - Political Science POLSH - Polish PORT - Portuguese PSSTC - CCA - Préposé aux soins de santé PSYCE - FSJ - Psychologie PSYCH - Psychology PSYCI - Psychiatry PTHER - Physical Therapy PUNJ - Punjabi


R SOC - Rural Sociology RADDI - Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging RADTH - Radiation Therapy RED - Real Estate Development REHAB - Rehabilitation Medicine RELIG - Religious Studies REN R - Renewable Resources RLS - Recreation and Leisure Studies RSCH - Research RUSS - Russian


SANSK - Sanskrit SC INF - Sciences infirmières SC PO - FSJ - Science politique SCAND - Scandinavian SCI - Science SCSOC - FSJ - Sciences sociales SCSP - FSJ - Sciences socio-politiques SEM - Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management SLAV - Slavic and East European Studies SOC - Sociology SOCIE - FSJ - Sociologie SPAN - Spanish SPH - School of Public Health SPRIT - Spirituality and Multi-Faith Theologies STAT - Statistics STATQ - FSJ - Statistique STS - Science, Technology, and Society SURG - Surgery SUST - Sustainability SWED - Swedish


T DES - Theatre Design TAACO - CCA - Comptabilité TAAFI - CCA - Finance TAAMG - CCA - Management TAAMK - CCA - Marketing TAARH - CCA - Ressources humaines TAATC - CCA - Tronc commun THES - Thesis


UKR - Ukrainian UNIV - University


WGS - Women's and Gender Studies WKEXP - Work Experience WRITE - Write (Creative Writing) WRS - Writing Studies


ZOOL - Zoology ZOOLE - FSJ - Zoologie