EXCPE 4297 - Soil Classification and Mapping

39 units

Online and Continuing Education

Advanced agrology course with emphasis on clas­si­fi­ca­tion and map­ping of soils. Soil process­es, prin­ci­ples of the Cana­di­an Sys­tem of Soil Clas­si­fi­ca­tion, soil pro­files and diag­nos­tic fea­tures, fac­tors of soil formation and soil-form­ing process­es, soil sur­vey pro­ce­dures, and uti­liza­tion of exist­ing spa­tial infor­ma­tion to sup­port soil map­ping at a detailed scale are covered. A manda­to­ry field trip to collect data for the map­ping exer­cis­e is required; students need to be fit for duty. Pri­or knowl­edge of soil sci­ence is strongly recommended for this course.

Additional course information for this Faculty of Extension course and instruction to registration can be found here:
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No syllabi

Continuing Ed Spring 2025


Section Capacity Class times Login to view Instructor(s) and Location
2025-04-29 - 2025-05-26
2025-05-06 - 2025-05-08 (TWR)
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00