NURS 400 - Leadership in Nursing and Interprofessional Practice

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0; 6-0)

Faculty of Nursing

The course prepares learners with the knowledge and capabilities for working within complex interprofessional environments in healthcare. It focuses on six key interprofessional competencies (patient/client/family/community-centred care, interprofessional communication, role clarification, team functioning, interprofessional conflict resolution and collaborative leadership). The course culminates with the application of knowledge to authentic scenarios and demonstration of effective collaborative teamwork. Prerequisite for students in the Collaborative/Honors and After Degree/After Degree Honors Programs: NURS 300. Prerequisite for Bilingual Program students: SC INF 300 or SC PO 320. Credit may be obtained for only one of NURS 400 or INT D 410.

No syllabi