Winter Term 2025 (1900)
DRAMA 298 - Stage Management in Professional Theatre
3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 0-4L-0)
Note: Normally restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Stage Management and Technical Production students. Prerequisite: DRAMA 296 and consent of Department.
LAB/LECTURE B01 (76852)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
TR 14:00 - 15:50
DRAMA 377B - Production (Service)
1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-10L-0)
Practicum experience in Design, Stage Management or Technical Production for In-House Practicums other than Studio Theatre or Bleviss Laboratory Theatre Productions /or Community Engagement in Production. Prerequisite: consent of Department.
LAB/LECTURE C01 (71029)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
LAB/LECTURE C02 (71030)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
DRAMA 395B - Practicum - Stage Management
3 units (fi 12)(VAR, 0-15L-0)
Stage Management experience in the preparation for and/or the running of a production for performance. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Stage Management students.
PRA C01 (74060)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
DRAMA 577 - Special Projects
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-6L-0)
Special projects in design and production. Formerly part of DRAMA 507.
IND B01 (73609)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
DRAMA 590B - Production Crew III
3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-15L-0)
Production experience in preparing and/or running of a production for performance. Prerequisite: DRAMA 490. Note: Restricted to BFA (Production) Stage Management and Technical Production students. Repeatable.
PRA C01 (73610)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
PRA C03 (73612)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
PRA C05 (73711)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00