Brooke Madden, PhD, MEd, BEd, BScH

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept
(780) 492-9891
636 Education Centre - South
11210 - 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5





Madden, B. Michaud, C., Edgar, T., & Jones, J. (2020). Wandering with/in the University of Alberta: Teaching subjects & place-based truth & reconciliation education. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 66(1), 50-71.

Madden, B. (2019). A de/colonizing theory of truth and reconciliation education. Curriculum Inquiry, 49(3), 284-312.

McGregor, H., Madden, B., Higgins, M., & Ostertag, J. (2018). Braiding designs for decolonizing research methodologies: Theory, practice, ethics. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 9(2), 1-21.

Higgins, M. & Madden, B. (2017). (Not So) Monumental agents: De/Colonizing places of learning. Canadian Social Studies, 49(1), 34-38

Higgins, M., Madden, B., Bérard, M.-F., Lenz Kothe, E., & Nordstrom, S. (2017). De/signing research in education: Patchwork(ing) methodologies with theory. Educational Studies 43(1), 16-39.

Madden, B. (2017). Tracing spectres of whiteness: Discourse and the construction of teaching subjects in urban Aboriginal education. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 38(5), 642-658.

Higgins, M., Madden, B., & Korteweg, L. (2015). Witnessing (halted) deconstruction: White teachers’ ‘perfect stranger’ position in urban Indigenous education. Race Ethnicity and Education, 18(2), 251-276.

Lenz Kothe, E., Higgins, M., Stiegler, S., Bérard, M.-F., & Madden, B. (2015). A quick guide to speed-dating theorists through thinking with theory in qualitative research: Viewing data across multiple perspectives. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/Revue Canadienne des Jeunes Chercheures et Chercheurs en Education, 6(1), 68-78.

Madden, B. (2015). Pedagogical pathways for Indigenous education with/in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 51,1-15.

Madden, B. (2014). Coming full circle: White, Euro-Canadian teachers’ positioning, understanding, doing, honouring, and knowing in school-based Aboriginal education. in education, 20(1), 57-81.

Madden, B. & McGregor, H. (2013). Ex(er)cising student voice in pedagogy for decolonizing: Exploring complexities through duoethnography. Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 35(5), 371-391.

Madden, B., Higgins, M., & Korteweg, L. (2013). “Role models can’t just be on posters”: Re/membering barriers to Indigenous community engagement. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue Canadienne de L'education, 36(2), 211-247.


Steinhauer, E., Cardinal, T., Higgins, M., Madden, B., Steinhauer, N., Steinhauer, P., Underwood, M., & Wolfe, A. with Elder Bob Cardinal. (2020). Thinking with Kihkipiw: Exploring an Indigenous theory of assessment. In Cote-Meek, S. & Moeke-Pickering, T. (Eds.), Decolonizing and Indigenizing education in Canada. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars

Higgins, M. & Madden, B. (2019). Refiguring presences in Kichwa-Lamista territories: Natural-cultural (re)storying with Indigenous place. In C. Taylor & A. Bayley, (Eds.), Posthumanism and higher education: Reimagining pedagogy, practice and research. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.

Madden, B. (2019). Hybrid encounters: First Peoples principles of learning and teachers’ constructions of Indigenous education and educator. In S. Carr- Stewart (Ed.), Knowing the past, facing the future: Indigenous education in Canada. Vancouver, BC: Purich Books.

Higgins, M. & Madden, B. (2018). (Not Idling at) the flâneur in Indigenous education: Towards being and becoming community. In A. Cutcher & R. L. Irwin (Eds.), The flâneur and educational research: A metaphor for knowing, being ethical, and new data production. Cham, CH: Palgrave Pivot.

Madden, B. & Glanfield, F. (2017). Research in Indigenizing teacher education. In D. J. Clandinin & J. Husu (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of research on teacher education. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.


Madden, B. (2019). Indigenous counter-stories in truth and reconciliation education: Moving beyond the single story of victimhood. Education Canada Magazine, 59(1), 40-44.

Neilson, M., & Madden, B. (2020). Leaning in/leaning out with Spirit Bear: A framework for place-based truth and reconciliation education. Education Canada Magazine.


Madden, B. (2018). Review of Visioning a Mi'kmaw humanities: Indigenizing the academy. The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 37(2), 193-196.


Madden, B. (2016). (Un)Becoming teacher of school-based Aboriginal education: Early career teachers, teacher identity, and Aboriginal education across institutions. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.



  • Indigenous Education and Truth and Reconciliation Education
  • Teacher Education & Teacher Identity
  • Qualitative Research Methodology
  • Curriculum Theory
  • Decolonizing and Anti-Oppressive Approaches




EDPS 581 - Introduction to Evaluating Educational Research

EDSE 501 - Research Interviews in Education

EDES 501 - Possibilities for Reconciliation and Peaceful School Communities


EDEL 495 - Pedagogies for Indigenous Education

EDEL 330 - Curriculum and Pedagogy in Elementary School Science

EDU 211 - Aboriginal Education and the Context for Professional Engagement

EDU 100 - Contexts of Education


EDU 100 - Contexts of Education

This course focuses on the different contexts of professional practice within education. It critically examines the complex social relationships among educators as professionals and learners as participants in educational institutions. Teacher identity will be explored as a dynamic, reformative process in response to competing tensions that require an awareness of the positionality of educators. Preservice teachers will learn about the relationships between education and practice that are nested in social relations of learning that are also economic, political, and cultural. Engagement from a variety of perspectives they will develop professional knowledge for critical reconstructive practice. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in EDU 250, 300 or equivalent. [Department of Elementary Education, Department of Secondary Education]

EDU 300 - Contexts of Education

This course focuses on the different contexts of professional practice within education. It critically examines the complex social relationships among educators as professionals and learners as participants in educational institutions. Teacher identity will be explored as a dynamic, reformative process in response to competing tensions that require an awareness of the positionality of educators. Preservice teachers will learn about the relationships between education and practice that are nested in social relations of learning that are also economic, political, and cultural. Engagement from a variety of perspectives they will develop professional knowledge for critical reconstructive practice. Note: EDU 300 is for After Degree students only. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in EDU 100, 250 or equivalent. [Department of Elementary Education, Department of Secondary Education]

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