Boyd Mori, PhD, FRES
Pronouns: he/him
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
- Phone
- (780) 492-6412
- Address
4-16C Agriculture/Forestry Centre
9011 116 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2P5
Area of Study / Keywords
Agricultural & Ecological Entomology Integrated Pest Management Chemical Ecology Genomics
PDF - Insect Behaviour and Chemical Ecology - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden
PhD - Ecology - University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
Previous Position
Research Scientist - Insect Ecology - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
My research is focused on the development of integrated pest management (IPM) for insect pests in field and horticultural agroecosystems. Specifically, my research strives to provide growers with sustainable pest control strategies that reduces the reliance on insecticides and conserves beneficial species (i.e. natural enemies and pollinators). To this end, I meld basic and applied research incorporating behavioural, chemical, and molecular ecology to understand and exploit the biology of insect pests, their host plants and natural enemies. Currently, I have three major focal areas: 1) chemical ecology – to develop insect monitoring and management tools; 2) population genetics – to track insect invasions and dispersal/migration of insect pests; 3) insect-insect and insect-plant interactions – to identify key interactions that may lead to the development of alternative management strategies.
AFNS 595 - Integrated Crop Protection
Integrated agronomic, mechanical, biological, and chemical control of insects, disease organisms, and weeds that interfere with field crop and horticultural crop production. Not to be taken if credit received for PL SC 495. Prerequisites: ENT 222, PL SC 352, and PL SC 380; one course may be taken as a corequisite, or consent of the instructor.
AFNS 602 - Graduate Reading Project
Individual study. Critical reviews of selected literature under the direction of a Faculty member. Note: May be taken more than once if the topic is different. Prerequisite: consent of Department.
PL SC 400 - Individual Study
Project or reading course supervised by a Faculty member, requiring preparation of a comprehensive report. Prerequisites: 60 units of university courses or higher and consent of the instructor. Note: may be taken more than once if topic is different.
PL SC 495 - Integrated Crop Protection
Integrated agronomic, mechanical, biological, and chemical control of insects, disease organisms and weeds that interfere with field crop and horticultural crop production. Prerequisites: PL SC 310, PL SC 352, and PL SC 380; one course may be taken as a corequisite.