Donna Vine, PhD
/Dr. Donna Vine/
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Personal Website:
Professor & Interim Academic Lead, Dietetics Specialization, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept Human Nutri Unit
- Phone
- (780) 492-4393
- Address
4-002H Li Ka Shing Centre For Research
8602 112 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2E1
Area of Study / Keywords
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Metabolic Cardiovascular Lipids Human Nutrition
- PCOS Together website:
- The Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases Laboratory Website:
Research Highlights:
- We have made extensive contributions to the study of intestinal chylomicrons, which has lead to the discovery that the impairment of intestinal chylomicron metabolism leads to an accumulation of these particles in the circulation.
- We have been the first to provide evidence that dietary derived cholesterol oxidation products are rapidly absorbed by the intestine, are incorporated into intestinal chylomicrons and transported to the circulation.
- We have discovered using intestinal ‘Ussing’ diffusion techniques that dietary type and amount can influence both the histological integrity and the physiological transport processes of the intestine.
- We developed a novel surgical (in-situ perfusion) and analytical methods (con-focal microscopy) to determine the permeability of intestinal chylomicron-remnants into arterial vessels.
- We have pioneered the development of an animal model to investigate the pathophysiology of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and the development of insulin resistance and dyslipidemia in PCOS.
Research Summary:
Dr. Donna Vine and the Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (MCVD) Laboratory are contributing to the link between intestinal lipid absorption and metabolism in relationship to cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome and pre-diabetes. Emerging evidence suggest the intestine contributes significantly to whole body cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism, yet there remains a lack of knowledge regarding the regulation of intestinal lipid absorption, and transport of dietary lipids to the circulation via intestinal lipoproteins (chylomicrons). Dr. Vine and her team (together with Dr. Proctor, Nutrition, UofA) has been one of the first to contribute to the study of the effect of dietary fats on lipid transport and metabolism pathways in these disease states and they continue to research the basic physiological processes involved. Most recently they have begun to explore dietary improvements and pharmaceutical interventions to understand the etiology of the metabolic complications of PCOS in animal models.
For more information:
Dr. Donna Vine has been teaching at the University level since 1992 and has accumulated significant experience from numerous institutions, primarily from Australia, but also recently here at the University of Alberta. Dr. Vine's broad areas of teaching expertise are in the areas of Nutrition, Food Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and Chronic Disease. Dr. Vine has contributed in a more specific capacity to the teaching programs that have included Anti-oxidants and Disease, Functional Foods/Bio-active Dietary components, Nutrition and Metabolism of Macro- and Micro-nutrients and Pharmaco-bioavailability. Dr. Vine has developed and delivered courses on a continued basis throughout her career and she is very familiar with electronic presentations tools and WebCT content.
- Current Graduate Students Supervised
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- Current Post-Doctoral Fellows Supervised
- Former Post-Doctoral Fellows Supervised
- Current Undergraduate Students Supervised
- Former Undergraduate Students Supervised
- Current Visiting Trainees
- Former Visiting Trainees
- Current Honorary Summer Students
- Former Honorary Summer Students
- Current Support Staff
- Heart Health: Fish Oil
You may be eligible to participate in a heart health fish oil clinical trial at the University of Alberta. The Metabolic Cardiovascular Diseases Laboratory is currently recruiting for:- 14-20 years old
- Overweight
To learn more: or call (780) 248-1909
AFNS 505 - Introduction to the Principles of Nutrition
Basic principles of nutrition and metabolism of macronutrients and micronutrients. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
AFNS 552 - Nutrition in the Prevention of Chronic Human Diseases
A lecture and reading course for graduate students to review current research and the scientific basis of nutrition intervention in the prevention and treatment of chronic human disease. Translation of research findings to nutrition recommendations in topical areas including global health and food supply, obesity, cardiovascular disease, polycystic ovary syndrome and behavior-cognitive disorders. Not to be taken if credit received for NUTR 452. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. 6 units in PHYSL recommended.
NU FS 305 - Introduction to the Principles of Nutrition
Basic principles of nutrition and metabolism of macronutrients and micronutrients. Students cannot obtain credit in NU FS 305 if they are currently taking or have obtained credit in NUTR 301, 302, 303, or 304. Prerequisites: NUTR 100 or NU FS 100, and 6 units in the sciences (recommended that 3 units be BIOCH).
NUTR 452 - Nutrition in the Prevention of Chronic Human Diseases
A lecture and reading course to review current research and the scientific basis of nutrition intervention in the prevention and treatment of chronic human disease. Translation of research findings to nutrition recommendations in topical areas including global health and food supply, obesity, cardiovascular disease, polycystic ovary syndrome and behavior-cognitive disorders. Prerequisites: (NUTR 302, NUTR 304, or NU FS 305) and NU FS 356. 6 units in PHYSL recommended.