Ross Bradford

Full Executive Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management


Full Executive Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management
(780) 492-5819
3-20C Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6


SEM 311 - HRM: Managing the Work Force in Canada

This course is a general overview of human resource management issues in organizations. It focuses on reward systems, the design of work, legal issues, union-management relationships, staffing, and training and development. Prerequisite: SEM 201, 301 or 310. Open to third- and fourth-year students.

SEM 404 - Interpersonal Communication and Team Management

This course provides an understanding of interpersonal (or face-to-face) communication process and presents opportunities for personal skill development. Students should expect to engage in role play and to receive feedback on their personal style of communication. Topics include team communication, supervisory-subordinate relationships, influence and persuasion, conflict management, and performance appraisal. Prerequisite: SEM 201, 301 or 310. Open to third- and fourth-year students.

SEM 414 - Work Force Planning

This Human Resource Management course examines how a company interacts with the labor market to ensure that it has the right number and skill mix of employees. Part of the course involves a field research project in which students critique the work force plan of a local company. Pre- or corequisite: SEM 311. Open to third- and fourth-year students.

SEM 419 - Performance, Training, and Safety

This course offers an in-depth study of the design and application of performance, training and safety management practices within organizations. Typical topics include: performance measures and processes, employee learning, needs analysis, training methods, training delivery, training evaluation, career planning & development, occupational health and safety. An overarching goal is to emphasize the strategic value of these development activities for both employees and the organization. Open to all Business students. Not open to first year students.

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