Search Results

Name Title Department Phone Location
Alakas, Brandon Associate Dean, Academic Office of the Dean - Augustana
Anderson, Alexis Campus General Manager Office of the Dean - Augustana 7806791582 2-084 Forum
Audet, Doris Office of the Dean - Augustana
Brown, Neil Dist/Vehicle Operator Office of the Dean - Augustana
Falk, Mary-Anne Executive Coordinator Office of the Dean - Augustana 7806791130 2-062 Forum
Grundberg, Arlo Executive Director - Augustana Students' Association Office of the Dean - Augustana
Jordison, Dianna Office of the Dean - Augustana
Klassen, Shelisa Postdoctoral Fellow Office of the Dean - Augustana
Mitchell, Kennedy Grad Research Asst Fellowship Office of the Dean - Augustana
Parkins, John Dean & Executive Officer Office of the Dean - Augustana 7806791130 2-060  Forum
Pedersen, Deanna Executive Assistant Office of the Dean - Augustana 7806791137 2-066 Forum
Rak, Stacey Office of the Dean - Augustana
Rogers, Anna Grad Research Asst Fellowship Office of the Dean - Augustana
Ruiz Jiménez, Génesis Administrative Assistant Office of the Dean - Augustana 7806791120 2-080 Forum
Tryphonopoulos, Demetres Dean & Executive Officer Office of the Dean - Augustana 7806791130 2-060 Forum
Vivian, Dianne Dist/Vehicle Operator Office of the Dean - Augustana